I'm sorry

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Frisk took lazy steps inside home.. She doesn't know what to do anymore, she liked being here. She decided to be here.. But after the news she received from Chara, it's not on option now. "I'm home" she  smiled from the corner of her mouth in front her mom who's resting on her favorite chair, "welcome my child, did you have fun?" Toriel said with her kind warm tone Frisk always liked. Frisk nodded this time and went to the shelf to grab a book while Toriel's eyes followed her lead. Frisk came closer "Can we.. Read this book together?" She asked, it was her mom's favorite book called (72 uses for Snails), she found out about it when she got to taste her favorite dish Snail pie which was... sluggish Frisk thought. "Why of course  my child!" She clapped her hands excitedly, she didn't got the chance to read it with Frisk.
So they stayed the whole night reading, more like Frisk let Toriel read it all.. She wanted to hear her voice as much as she can, as if she won't hear it anytime soon. After they finished Frisk kissed her mom's head that caused her to blush and headed to sleep.

At the following morning.. Frisk went to the glowing object.. The Determination star. Believing that it might lend her strength to talk to her mom for her important decision.
(( Leaving the one you love in order to protect them.. Fills you with determination))

"Mom I want to talk to you.." Frisk was a bit nervous but there's no way back now
"What is it my dear?" The delecious taste of freshly baked pie spreading around the kitchen, She was baking a fresh butterscotch-cinnamon pie for their lunch.
Frisk remained silent for a bit.. "I..umm" she tried to pull it together.. It's for her sake. "My child are you alright?" She took off the tray from the oven and put it on table to check Frisk.
Frisk sighed " How to leave this RUINS.." Finally said it. Toriel seemed lost for a bit, she didn't see that coming "huh? Um why my child?" " I don't want to stay..I want to leave" Frisk took a glance at her mom's face and regretted it.. She was hurt, sad.. She couldn't understand why she thought everything was nice and good "I'll be .. Right back" Toriel bashed to her room and closed the door behind her.
Frisk decided to leave her for a while.. Thinking she might need something, so she decided to head out to catch some air. She went to walk out checking her monster friends, she heard a sound cracking at the other room, to find Flowey was gazing her hatefully.
"It's.. You" Frisk eyes widened as she remembered their first time encounter. "Well well, when are you planning to kill them? You dirty human being" Flowey hissed.
Frisk took inhale "I'm not killing anyone here, they are my friends.. Why would you think I would do that" she questioned. "Lier, you just want to take your time until they are varnable" his face twisted "You humans disgust me". Frisk didn't know what to say.. But she decided to help every monster she counter, she approached towards him while he gave her the glare, and leaned to him "Flowey, it must be painful" she gave him a sympathy look "what.. Are you doing?" He hissed, Frisk leaned close to him somehow "I won't betray anyone.. I want to help you, please believe me". His face shaped to emotionless straight smile.




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