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After a peaceful sleep .. Frisk noticed the quite atmosphere.
She decided to wake up and find out that Chara is no where to be seen!
She stood up fast.. Worried .. "Should I wait?"
Spacing out for few minutes, finally determined to move out the room and try to discover new areas while searching for Chara.
Frisk started to walk through a passage and reach to the only door available in this room.
To find a Golden flower looking at her straight to the eyes revealing a smile.
"Um... Hello?" Frisk wonderd if the flower would reply which she thought it was a silly thing for her to think so "Howdy! Im flowey the flower"  replied to her instantly
"Whoah a talking flower!" Frisk stepped back
"hahaha you must be new to the underground, its ok! I won't hurt you" shook gladly and eagerly.
Frisk approached closer "yeah.. Was looking for my friend.. Can't find him"
Feeling sad and worried
"Oh poor human..  Can I be you your friend?"  Flowey Muttered
Frisk: "why of course! Ah I didn't introduced my self"
She kneeled down to shake his leaf "Im Frisk! Nice to meet you flowey"
Flowey's expression changed horrifically whille thrusting his seeds bashing Frisk
She took the blow unconsciously.
pushed her back to the ground.. Shook in fear she couldn't understand what just happened.
"You........  IDIOT!!!" he screamed
Frisk froze at her spot staring
" YOU ALL DESERVE TO DIE" his eyes turned red as he approached to Frisk who's still shivering at her spot.
Flowey stopped for a moment and said "Oh sorry just lil advice for ya" he grinned
"IN THIS WORLD..... ITS KILL OR BE KILLED" laughing historically
Frisk just snapped and started to crouch back fast but she hurt her knee
"Frisk!" A voice she recognized
"I'm here! Help!" she called for help.
And Chara came
Flowey felt someone's approaching so he decided to withdraw
He looked at her "This won't be the last time you meet me... I give you my word" pulled him self to the ground disappearing without a trace.
Chara sprinted fast towards Frisk "what happened?! Are you hurt?" Holding her to check her injuries
"I hate you I hate you Chara!!" Frisk cried as she held his chest , knocked him with week punches 
Chara couldn't say anything... Just holding her body in silence .. "Don't ever leave me alone! Im scared Chara he was about to kill me" frisk sniffed while weeping
Chara hold her tight and started rubbing her back "Who did this" he asked quitely
"A flower said his name is flowey .. tricked me and tried to kill me"
" I was so scared Chara" she looked at him
Looking at her eyes turned red and her body still shaking in fear
He grabbed her tight " calm down... It's ok.. You are safe now.. I won't leave you"
Then he spaced out thinking
Frisk seemed to calm down a bit "Im sorry.. For hitting you"
Chara replied "Oh don't worry didn't feel a thing too soft  " he smirked
Frisk punched his shoulder playfully, both of them laughed
They just noticed they were still holding each other
Then they broke free
"Umm" frisk blushed looking around
Chara smirked "seems you are ok now.. Follow me, we need to get you ready"

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