The Chase

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A/N:- warning! There will be violence and little gore from now on!
J0o has been warned XD


Chara POv:-
'You lowlife why didn't you warn me?!' I tried talking to the good for nothing brat who supposed to alert me if those gaurds are close by
(( Whaaaaat ~ can't I rest and sleep? I need to sleep you know )) he snickered because that was an obvious lie
'You never sleep you piece of shit' I tightened my grab to Frisk as that turtle chasing us down "what if I talk to him? I never tried" Frisk exclaims that she could reason with that beast
"Oh I'm sure he will accept the offer and invite you for a butterscotch cinnamon pie.. AFTER HE CUTS YOUR HEAD"
"No need for being sarcastic!" She hissed

An axe flew towards her but I managed to pull her and turned right as we sprint
"One soul will suffice, not being greedy here" Genzo yells while chasing and pulling back his axe he shoved earlier. "Sorry not gonna happen" I lift Frisk fast "close your eyes!" I ordered before she comments anything I jumped from the stony cliffs right and left fast enough to reach the ground floor of Waterfall side, Frisk was holding me tight I can see how suprised she was jumping all the way down here without a scratch, she wanted to ask how but right now both of us focused our eyes up at Genzo who was glaring annoyed, he lowers his axe and walked off the cliff. Frisk sighs in relief "We have to go he will be here soo--"
"Chara look out!!" I jumped back holding Frisk before that giant rock smash us, I looked up to see him lifting  huge rocks than throw at us "He never know when to quit" I put Frisk down tugging her arm again running and avoiding the smashing rocks.
"Oh that's it" he fed up and jumped all the way down, we turned sharp left there were plenty waterfalls "over here!" I pulled Frisk inside the water path behind the waterfall the water covered us and made us wet but it's no time to worry about that now. We sensed Genzo bashing and looking around, I held Frisk tight to my chest not risking any single sound she would make that might lead to uncover our spot. Till he passes. "Did..did we lost him?" She whispers. "For now, we must hide for now" I looked around, I remember this place there was a hideout I used for shelter before. I walked off to check around its all clear, I gestured Frisk to come out and follow "I know a hideout here". As we were walking I noticed Frisk sneezing constantly, I looked at her she was shivering badly. Kinda figures since our clothes are wet "come here" I took her gently close to my side, I took my hoodie off and covered her up pointing my head to that specific waterfall "get inside" her expression was uncertain but she believed in me .. She always did.
I followed her inside... It was a small cave with few glowing mushrooms around the corners. I made her sit down, took her coat out from her bag and covered her, I pulled her phone and called Sans.

"Punk, we need a little help"

"Hey, I saw that shell-boy was chasing you guys I'm in a look out but it's not safe yet"

"I know, can you follow him and let me know if he distance from here?"

"Sure, make sure Frisk stay safe"

"You don't have to tell me" I clicked end

Frisk was still shivering and coughing, I lay the back of my hand against her forehead "Frisk.. You are not feeling good at all" She was hot again, her immune system is so week!
"I-I'm fine acho!" She sniffed her nose as she trembles. I looked around for some rocks, took my knife out and cut few grasses that laid next to mushrooms, I felt Frisk's curious eyes following me. I searched for a pointy rocks and by using my knife scrapping  them against each other hard enough to produce heat and sparks to the grass, leading that to the birth of fire. "wow.. I thought that only works on movies" Frisk was amazed by what I did, but it wasn't that much. "Stay warm, you need it", I sat next to her side sliding my arm to her shoulder pulling her close to me, she was flushed but didn't complain  "D-Don't just-"
"It's ok" she interrupts
I looked at her confused "If it's you.. It's ok" she said as she looks at me with a smile. Our faces were few inches away "Frisk..." I suddenly felt heat and my heart beat pumped fast "s-sleep.. while you can, we might won't have another chance like this" I turned my face to that interesting glowing mushroom on the corner side of the cave, she giggled softly "Thank you" she closed her eyes to sleep. I gave a big sigh before I decided to join her too.

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