Realization and answers

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An awkward silence fell to this place, Frisk and Chara avoiding to have eye contacts or even talk after that 'little incident', having Napstablook around who wasn't that much of a talkative person to begin with. So Frisk decided to check the place out, his house was so simple and had enough stuff for him to live with. Small television, fridge, Computer desk, and bunch of CDs. Frisk helped her self checking his computer that's opened with a forum full of songs page, she then check the Television "What do you like to watch?" She asks
"Oh... There's this program I like to watch sometimes"
"I always watch Metaton TV show!" Frisk clap her hand trying to make conversation, she glance at Chara who was staring at her, they both averted each other's eye.
"Oh..... What a coincidence.... This is the show I like"
"Nice!" She steps to the CD's "you really must like music" she clicks at one of them labeled with 'spookytunes'
The music plays
"Oh..... A classic spooktune..... They don't make this so often" he states
"So catchy hmhmhmhmhmhm" she hums

"Frisk" Chara calls
"Oh what about this one" pretending she didn't hear him, she goes to the next one

"Frisk!" He yells, that made her shiver for a second "y-yes?"

"We need to talk" he cross his hands while leaning his back to the wall. She turned to face him. Eyes stick to the floor. The atmosphere tensed up with more silence. Napstablook took a notice "Oh..... I will check my farm snails" he flew to the door "S-sorry Napy"
He shook " I was about to leave..... Make your self at home" then he closed the door behind him.

Both of them stood straight in the middle of the room.. Silence remained for a while, neither of them know what to say or who will start. Chara broke the ice by releasing his shadow tentacle, Frisk rose her chin looking at it shuffling around.

"Aren't you scared?" He asks with a poker face, his voice is serious.

"No" She replies honestly

"I'm not a normal human being"

"I don't care, did you see me treating those monsters differently just because they aren't humans?"

"I was born with this .. With a curse you see .. It's like there's a thing inside me.... That just wants to kill everyone"

Frisk clears her throat, she now knows who's he's talking about

(( ruude ~ I'm not a THING I tell you! I'm the nightmare... Your ego... You ))

"I didn't tell you because.. I didn't want you to be afraid of me" he carried on
She interrupted  him "Why would you think that?! she tapped her foot on the wooden floor made a creaky sound.

"Frisk, I can lose control anytime and lose my self killing everyone!! Killing you!... Even if I don't want to!" He rise his voice making her back away , he sighs.. Placing his hand over his face"I-I'm sorry.. Whenever I tell anyone about this all they gave me are terrorized eyes and fear"  he clenches his fist.

"They tell me to trust them, but then they turn their back and run away" he smiles with pain. Frisk felt sympathy for him, living with this for his whole life.

"I don't blame them though?" He splits the tentacles to two "he's inside me, beneath my skin" another tentacle appears, splitting to another two while he takes few steps towards her "Can you help me believe... It's not the real me?" He tilts his head looking at her with his four black tentacles attempting to scare her off, his soul float in front of him between the two. Red Soul with a black core that had black thick vines around it "It's part of me"

 Red Soul with a black core that had black thick vines around it "It's part of me"

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but Frisk didn't back away. But instead she moved even closer she took his hands holding it tight, making him stunned "I would never judge you with what you are born with, darkness or whatever it is" she places his hand to his left chest side "But here, your heart" he looks at her hand spot then look back at her she was smiling brightly, "You have always been kind and willing to help a girl you just met.. The other day you were playing with the kids in Snowdin, you keep placing you life in risk for me and not just me, you care the others too" she takes her hand off from his chest placing it to her " And I will always be here for you and support you... You just need to rely on us.. To me" he remains quite then she patts his shoulder "It must be tough and hard... But I'm here! We are all here, and if there's any way to help we will find a solution together!"
His mouth curved a smile "Thank you" he was sencierly thankful .. He finally felt relief, the fear that was chewing him down worrying how would she react if she knew this side about him.

"Oh.. One more thing though" Frisk recalled something important "When I reset, everything supposed to be repeated right? When Genzo attacked,Sans wasn't there but this time he appeared taking Genzo with him" she explains, he gave an Oh sound.

"I didn't tell you that before but.. Sans has.. His share of time reset before" He brushes his hair, Sans will find out about his lie, and he's not excited to meet him anytime soon.

Frisk was in a deep thought, she decided to lay down on the floor while he did the same thing opposite side from hers "It was my fault" he crossed his arms behind his neck making the floor comfortable for his head "When I.. Lost control, he was the only one who could stop my insanity and rage" he says with a sad inhale, Frisk moved her hand to hold his hand, calming him down.. Making him feel ease, he held it tight "There was no one who was able to reset, like you.. But instead. A royal scientist have made an invention  that could reset the timeline for a sepefic time.. And sometimes randomly". Frisk was amazed the fact that someone had created such an outstanding invention, she thought how genius they must be.
"You don't have to talk about it, It's in the past now, today you are what you want to be" she cheers him, he chuckles " I just want to undo the mistakes .. And bring hope to this world" Frisk tries to look at him "We will! Together!"
"But please don't throw your life away just because you can reset... I know it's painful, when you die" he tightens his hold to her hand, her eyes dropped down.. She can't argue with that "Okay"

A sound of a door opened and closed behind, Napstablook was back, "Welcome back!" Frisk waves "Oh... Thanks.. What are you doing?" He gazes at them both on the ground, Chara shrugs "Just laying"
"Care to join?" She pats at the ground next to her
"Sure...... That's actually one of my family tradition" he flew and set himself next to them on the floor "what is it? Your family tradition" Chara asks
"Lie on the ground and feel like garbage" he answers.

Awkward silence passed,
Frisk and Chara giggled, Napstablook was confused but he joined them with a "heh" laugh. "Sounds fun" Frisk said. Listening to the spooktune while resting, they entered the world of universe with this echoing sound.

 Listening to the spooktune while resting, they entered the world of universe with this echoing sound

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At waterfall, monsters been sulking and some who lost their mind.

"It keeps repeating over and over!" One monster cried.

"Make this stoooooop!" The other one grabbed his head.

"I promise I wont be a creep I promise I won't be a creep" said Aaron repeatedly.

It was a long night at Waterfall.

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