What's a star?

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Chara POV:-

"What's a star?" A small monster shaped like a rain drop stopped us through our way out from Waterfall. Knowing Frisk can't hold back specially if she encounters children, she kneeled down to his level to brush his head. "Let's see... what is a star you say?" She confirms his question while looking up the fake stars above us then answered " A star is a luminous ball of mixed gasses, well mostly hydrogen... and they are far away from us by 4.3 light years!"
I scoffed with a smile "really Frisk?" "Really! I red this from astronomy magazine"

"Can you touch it?" the little monster asked

"Umm I don't think you should do that.."

"Can you kill it??" He tilts his head confused

"Uhh why would you want to do that?"

"Can you eat it???"

"I don't think it's healthy to ea—"

I muffled my laugh not too long before my laugh escaped me, this time both of them looked at me curiously while Frisk gave me the explain yourself face. "Frisk.. he's a kid, use your imaginations when you answer" I explained, as she cross her arms thinking "you are right" she shifts back to the kid "I confused you there didn't I? let's see.." she stands up quietly gazing through the stars "You see.. those stars are angels who keep watching over us all day and night" she points up for him "you may wonder why there are so many angels up there, that's because each one of us down here have their own angel that look after us forever" she said with a brightfull smile that made my heart flatter. She clutches her hands together "We always tend to make our wishes when we gaze at them, for they will hear it and make our dreams and wishes come true"
The little kid smiled with a blush, he looked up one more time with a wide smile then eyed back to Frisk "Are you a star?" He took her by surprise, she blushes with a giggle "of course n—"

"She's my star" I pulled her waist back to me. My chest touched her back, I rested my chin on her right shoulder

"w-what are you doing?? he's watching us!" Frisk whispers embarrassed

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"w-what are you doing?? he's watching us!" Frisk whispers embarrassed. I smirked  "this star is my angel, young one" I said then nibbled her ears, I can sense how nervous she is, but I kept rubbing her ears with my lips. Her breath quickened but she didn't stop me. Instead, her hands were holding mine firmly refusing to let go "Did you make a wish?" he directs me this question "yes" I answered with no hesitation "I wished for someone to be my one and only, to light my path and guide me" I said with my eyes closed " and to make me happy.." I sniffed her hair I couldn't stop this feeling..
I want to touch her more, to feel every part of her body inch by inch.
I couldn't do anything the past two weeks, not after my what I told her about. I was afraid of being turned away, even if we always slept on the same bed.
I opened my eyes, staring at her steaming red face. She knew I was looking but didn't look back at me. I grinned as I bite her ears and made her let out a weird moan. I muffled my chuckle barely behind her back.

The boy didn't notice the situation but rather asked "you just ate her!"

"Yeah, you can eat stars"

"How do they taste like?"

"Hmm... strawberry.. or something. Let me check again"

"No!" Frisk breaks free from me

I laughed at her "yeah, something sweet... just like a chocolate"

"Now I became a chocolate?" Frisk rose her eyebrow

"My special edition chocolate" I gazed her face, her embarrassed beautiful features. I just want to pull her close to me and hug her forever. She fiddled her body and puffed her cheeks with nothing to reply. The little monster waves and went away back to gazing the stars, I can hear him making a wish while looking at them with joy.
"Do you really mean it?" Frisk asked, still not looking at me "about what?"
"You know about what!" I chuckled innocently "I want to hear it" I shrugged.
"Your wish... and I'm.. your angel and all" she stutters, then exasperated. I nodded "yes, every single word I said.. I meant it honestly" I said, looking up ahead we reached to the Riverperson usual spot. "Here we are..." Frisk surprised me with a sneak kiss to my cheek. I looked at her being caught off guard "Y-you are my star too!" she beamed then hoped to the boat fast. I touched the cheek she kissed, her lipstick is printed on it. I brushed it with my finger and sucked it secretly..
I don't know how long I can hold myself when it comes to her...

"Today we will have lunch on bed and TV whole night!"

"Sure gorgeous"

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