Puppet, Puppeteer, and the victim

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"The devil asked me how I knew my way around the halls of hell. I told him I did not need a map for the darkness I know so well."



"That surprised me! Why would you reset the timeline Thayer? I thought everything went according to plan?" the Flower, popped right away questioning what just happened. Frisk plugged the yellow flower from the ground and sprinted back to the dumb area hiding behind, shushing the Flower with threatening eyes.

She remembers the last checkpoint was before Sans approach her and she made her move about going on a date with him, sending him off. Since Sans experienced death, he was too shocked, mortified, the feeling of choking and death effect made him unstable. He was laying on the ground before he jerks the upper part of his body up gasping for air rapidly, he was too frightened to study his surroundings.

When was it?

Where is it?!

This is Waterfall but which day or time are we talking about???

I've come here so many times before in and out.... How...how...

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"no time to panic, I must check who is alive and who is not"

Sans was unaware of which kind of checkpoint but seeing the time and date, through his phone screen made him aware of the timeline. His eyes blacked out when he slowly approached the conclusion, deep inside him reminded him of what supposed his little meeting with Frisk here. His eye flashed blue as he tried to look for her, he didn't waste time and while doing it, he even made few calls.




Sans let them know that there was a danger while avoiding to name what kind of danger. He only said, "be fully armed and protect the citizens." But to Papayrus he said something else "go back home and don't leave the house at all!" without leaving him a chance for his brother to question this sudden order. Sans then called Chara, but no matter how many times he would call he didn't pick up. He figured something might happen to him, but he decided not to waste time to look for him.

After that, he blinks teleported the whole Waterfall area in a search for Frisk.

"She must be here.... she must be!"

The possessed pretty girl brushed her hair behind her shoulder, pleased for the success of the RESET. Getting away from Waterfall as she encloses her distance to the entrance, heading to Snowdin.

"Idiot, try to remember your place and time."

"s-s-sorry Thayer! It was too sudden and-"

"never mind that, the game already started," Frisk narrowed her eyes, hiding from some normal monsters, she had a strong urge to kill them but that would ruin her next move. Looking at Flowey's troubled face she recalled he asked something to her.

"It would be rather boring if things were that easy. You see Flowey, this is the difference between you and me. I know how to cause grudge and despair...." Frisk explained, keeping her little secret of wasting the previous run just to make Sans kill the girl he loves. Frisk was walking stealthy, in a hidden mode. This time she is taking her next step cautiously.

"Make yourself useful for me, will you? I want to go to HER." Frisk grinned mischievously to Flowey who shrinks on his place, feeling a strong thumb from within him. He swallowed his saliva and obeyed, fulfilling the role of an obedient faithful monster.

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