The day she waited

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After two days staying at the skelly bros home, Frisk finally got better and healthy! Ready to get going and apply for the part times
"Not so fast" Chara objected, Frisk's smile faded as she heard Chara "Why?! I was waiting for this" she stands at her tip toe to reach his length, his expression was off but he was hiding something, "Stay here for a while" he ended the conversation sternly, "Oh hey Sans" he calls as he went to take Sans jacket that been hanged on the wall "yeah punk?" Sans was clicking the remote randomly to different channels at the TV "I'll borrow your jacket" Sans's eyes socket narrowed as he looked at Chara "meh" he was not interested "and your money too" Chara added. Sans put the remote in a side raising his eye brow "Dude?" Frisk was giggling as she got used to their fights by now, at the begining she was worried that they hate each other or won't get along. But recently she thought it's a 'guys' thing. "Don't worry, Frisk will return the debt from her Salary"
"Eh?" Frisk lowered her jaw a bit, he closed the door as he left.
"Pfft, I guess you owe me a skeleTON of money now" he smirked as he rest his back while crossing his legs at the ankle. Frisk shrugged "It's fine".
She moves and sits next to Sans, he switched his eyes to her cautiously, a faint blue powder spreads his cheek "So what's my first Job?!" She said excitedly looking at him with googly eyes, "heheh" he was nervous for some reason, "You will start at Grillby's as a waiter"
"A waiter?" She said unconfirmed, Sans nodded , Papayrus yelled from the kitchen "YOU CAN DO IT FRISK! I BELIEVE IN YOU!" Frisk fired up!
(She was filled with determination) her eyes sparkled for excitement
"Papyrus you are right! I shall assist you"'Frisk jogged to the kitchen to assist, Sans sighed and continued to watch the T.V.

~ After 15minute  ~
Chara opened the door holding two shopping bags of stuff, Frisk, Sans and Papayrus were on the couch watching Mettaton show, once Frisk saw Chara she crossed her arms puffed her cheeks and turned her head. Chara raised his eyebrow, she was rather funny the way he see her. "Here you go dumdum" He grins as he pass one of the bags. "I hope it fits you"
Frisk took the bag curiously and checked its contains, it was a new clothes for her.. She blushes "Go change it" he ordered impatiently "Ah okay!!" she didn't know how she supposed to react. She went to Papayrus room to change.
Sans pointed at the other bag "Oh this?" Chara took what was inside "This is my new clothes as well" giving him a sharpest grin Chara can make and look down at Sans mischievously. Sans groand "You little brat"
"I-I finished"'Frisk announces as she comes downstairs to the living room.
Chara and Sans widened their eyes the moment they took a look at her

 "FRISK YOU LOOK RATHER NEAT" Papayrus yelled "BUT OFCOURS NOT AS MUCH AS I AM" Frisk giggles, "Thank you Chara! I like it" Frisk was wearing a creamy warm shirt with long black and pink stripped arm sleeves and a black skirt that reached just bef...

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"FRISK YOU LOOK RATHER NEAT" Papayrus yelled "BUT OFCOURS NOT AS MUCH AS I AM" Frisk giggles, "Thank you Chara! I like it"
Frisk was wearing a creamy warm shirt with long black and pink stripped arm sleeves and a black skirt that reached just before her knees and a boots.
Chara was examining her body shape unpurpose, Sans noticed, he hits him from his elbow to regain his focus Chara flinched for the first time ever "Oh and this too" he pulled a coat from his bag too and attempted to put her on Frisk, she was blushing as she could of done it her self but Chara wasn't himself for the moment. "Th-There.. This will make you feel warm whenever you're out!" A smile stressed across his face.
Frisk face turned as red as the tomato,she nods "Thank you so much Ch-Chara!"
"Yeah.. I'll change mine as well" then took a fast steps slamming the door behind him.
Sans noticed the awkward Atmosphere so he acts,
"Umm wanna walk around for a bit?" Frisk approves appreciated for the thought,
Sans yelled "PUNK WE WILL WALK AROUND FOR FRESH AIR" he takes Frisk hand and leaves.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now