
156 9 30

"Hotdog hotdog, who wants some tasty hotdog!" Frisk yells enthusiastically behind her booth. She then spotted a tired monster closing her by "kind sir, would you like to have some hotdog?"
"Lady, I need a cold water for such a hot circumstances"
Frisk bowed her head down, this is the fifth monster who's declining hotdogs for water. She doesn't blame them though, she herself feels so hot even with the short jeans and a light orange tank she's wearing. She takes out a fan and wave it to gather for some cool air "go straight then turn left, you will find water cooler there sir" she helped him out.
"Really?! Thank you so much" he said before he dashes like a thirsty lost nomad in a middle of Sahara desert. Frisk sat back to her chair with a sigh, she drinks her own water that she prepared for this part time.

(( why don't you wake up that lazy bone already?! )) Thayer said from the top of the booth's roof. Frisk looked up to Thayer's hanging hands then down to San's head 'no, remember he was sleeping the moment we reached here'
(( more reason to wake him up and get him to work )) he nagged (( at least, prank him or something! I'm bored)) he groans, Frisk shook her head with a sigh, she peaked at Sans before an idea popped to her. 'Thayer look!' he looked down and found her placing a hotdog on his head, amazingly it remained balanced!

(( oooo make it five! ))

'Umm.. I think it's too much..'

(( nonsense, look how stable he is! I bet you can put more than 30! )) Thayer floated down besides her. 'Okay.. we can try' Frisk took out four hotdogs and slowly placed them over the first one. "Whoah" Frisk was amazed, Thayer nodded his head with a grin (( cool huh? )). Frisk went back to her booth and brought out even more amount of hotdogs 'today we shall make a hotdog tower!' Frisk announced to Thayer who beamed with excitement (( That's the spirit!.... or you just happened to be bored like me ))

(( Make it ten! add five more ))

'Ten hotdogs coming up!'

(( This is crazy.... more!! ))


(( Add everything you have!! ))

After couple of wasted hotdogs....


(( ................. ))

They both stood there in complete silence staring at the tower they made, Thayer broke this silence (( achievement unlocked, put 30 hotdogs on Sans's head )) he chuckles. 'I'm more concerned to how to how exhausted he must be not feeling the weight on his head' Frisk tilts her head confused and feeling guilty. Thayer scoffs (( That lazy bone? Don't let that skeleton fool you )) he paused as he gazes on Sans with a narrowed eyes (( Sans the skeleton, ATK 1 DEF 1, easiest monster in underground that you can end him with one hit.. perhaps he wants to seem like weak )) Thayer made a twisted smile, Frisk couldn't understand what he's talking about.

Sans was mumbling in his sleep, he opened his eye sockets and attempt to move from his pose "DON'T!" Frisk yelled when she spotted a falling hotdog and jumped at Sans to hold him in his place, while he was surprised enough to hear her voice and how bashful she was. "Stay still! It's me Sans" Frisk held both his arms and checked the hotdogs above him. Sans stuttered "k-kid! What ya doin here?!" he asked "oh yeah, I applied to this part time to help out on this booth's business" she explains "I was surprised when I found out you work here" she adds with a smile, happy to this lovely coincidence. Sans was over joyed as well, but he couldn't avert his staring eyes to Frisk who's still was holding him to prevent him from moving, he wanted to ask about it but he doesn't want to sound that he's complaining.
"Why didn't you wake me up? I could of helped you out" Sans replied embarrassed, "it's cool! Plus we are even" She giggles while taking down one hotdog in front of him "why? Wait what..?" his eye lids moved to the hotdog on her hand. "Just a little innocuous prank!" she winks "there are 30 hotdogs on your head" she winks playfully "oh... that's pretty cool!" Sans rose his eyebrow and eyed up slowly "to be frank with ya, 30 is a bit excessive" he said.

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