Dangerous encounter

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{ The truth is everyone is going to hurt you
You just got to find the ones
Worth suffering for.. }


Chara POV:-

Waterfall..an area where you can always hear the sound of the falling water, with a dimly lit vision.. Even though at some points it looks so dark , I feel calm and at ease.
(( it's the most memorable place for you )) the shadow comments
"Its dear to me" I replied
People would wonder, why would a dark area fills me with comfort and bliss
they can't overlook at the beauty of the echo flowers that only lives here and the stars even though it's fake.. perhaps I am a night person?
(( You have a thing or two towards flowers .. Specially the golden ones ))
I encountered many monsters here and I can't act however Frisk do..
Like Aaron.. He keeps puffing his muscles around and what I do? Just walk away like nothing happened.
(( You should've killed him and show him who's da boss!))
I rolled my eyes and kept moving forward,
The view of the faintly glowing mushrooms and those echo flowers .. The dripping water from above.. I can't help but to wonder "Would Frisk like it if I bring her here..?" I thought Unconsciously
(( lover boy missing his girl huh )) he groans annoyed.
I can't argue what I don't understand.. or am I just afraid? That I do have feelings for her?
Just what is love..
(( Level Of Violence why of course.. ))
"Not that kind of Love" I murmured

I was lost in this life.. Empty and not free
Feelings are nothing compared for me
That is what I thought and truly believed
But being with her .. Is something else indeed.

I can't say it out loud.. I can't take it out from me.
I want to see Frisk.. But I have unfinished business .. And maybe after that.. I can take her here.. I hope she would like it.
(( STOP )) he yells
I covered my ears, his sudden shout hurts "What?" I glared up ahead
(( We have a big company.... Litterly speaking HAHAHA!! ))
I hide behind the wall and looked ahead closely to the door at the left side, my eyes widened and I could feel my hair stand on end from my body.
"Why... Is he here?!" I whispered

Reader POV:-

At waterfall.. Sepefically at the room where lived an old hero who retired his job and concentrated to be an archeologist, an old tortoise monster who's wearing archeologist attire with a long beard. He was sitting on a big sized rock talking to...
"Fluffypuns! Long time no see" He talks to the king before him..
"It has been long indeed Gerson my friend" King Asgore smiles for the name 'fluffypuns' , it has been his secret nickname until an incident acquired for it to be spread.
The king and the old man archeologist were talking like old pals.. and it seemed that King Asgore was rather friendly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy. That what would anyone say when they watch what Chara sees .. But Chara's reaction was different. He was horrified and scared somehow .. He wanted to back away but he couldn't.
(( Snap out of it )) the shadow startles Chara
Chara shook his head trying to stay calm as much as possible " This is no time for the past.. I must cross this path.. I'll wait"

King Asgore was laughing at Gerson's tease, "Gerson.. You really retired from the army" He says unhappily
"I did enough.. And studying history at this point is fascinating my friend" he replies while taking his magnifier scoop to check around the place.
"I guess it is"  King Asgore stands, "I just wanted to great a good friend while passing by" he half smiles.

"Plus.. I trained you those two enough to be a great guards" he added "Speaking of which .. He's on his way to Snowdin" he turns to look at Asgore
"Yes, I heard it from Undyne. They spotted human there.. But there are two my friend"
"Oh..? How did you know that? Even Genzo didn't tell me anything"
King Asgore looked at Chara's path as he approches "Let's say.. A little flower told me something" he pulls out a long red trident adorned with flower and throws him straight to Chara side, A shadow tentacle appeared from Chara's back and deflected it while sprinting. "He..he senses me" Chara runs back
"HEY HAULT" One of the army yells at Chara
"Darn" he skipped and followed by the army
"Aren't you gonna join them?" Gerson says to Asgore, he shook "I trust Undyne and Genzo.. Plus if the humans want to leave they have to pass me" King Asgore says it so calmly and pure intent while he takes his leave..
Gerson was looking at him till he vanished from his vision "Asgore.. You are the one who need to be saved... You are still in pain"

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