Your Choice

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"Finally, took you forever" Chara was waiting impatiently  tapping his foots to the floor while crossing his arms over his chest. "Sorry! There was this book me and mom was reading it's about snails and.." Chara faced palm "yeah sure.. Anyway without any delay follow me" he hurried and Frisk followed him to a room she never saw before "wow" she held her breath for view she never crossed to "How come I didn't see this before!" She jogged to the roof to take a close look at a colorful city, a bit far with so many houses. "Because you are an airhead that's all" Chara smirked and poked her forehead teasingly.
He coughed "Anyway let's start our meeting"
Frisk sat at the edge of the roof realizing  it will be a long serious conversation

Long ago, two races ruled over the Earth, Humans and Monsters. One day, a war broke out between the two races and after a long series of battle, the humans were victorious" Chara started.

I already know that.. She pouted
He rose his eyebrow and gritted his teeth "However.. their 7 powerful magicians sealed the monsters to the Underground with a magic barrier. But, this barrier is not really perfect" , Frisk held her breath and looked at Chara " Seven human soul... Will allow the monsters to break the barrier" , Frisk face went pale .. Her pupil widened "seven.... Souls..?" Anxiously said.
"They gained 6 souls.. 1 more soul remain Frisk"
The atmosphere turned gloomy and chilly.. There's nothing much to say, the truth has been revealed and the monsters will seek the last soul for their freedom. "In this RUINS it's your safe zone but beyond it.. You will face dangers" he went on "But in the same time by staying here you will endanger Toriel.. If they find out.. no.. If the King find out that Toriel is keeping you here .. She will face consequences and you would put her in danger" He sat beside Frisk who held her legs close feeling down and carrying a heavy burden now on her new mom.
They remained silence for a while "Then how were you planning to get me out from here?"
"To get out from underground you need one soul monster only" he answered. That gave her a quite shock "what?! Why?"
"The barrier is strong enough to keep the monsters and for them to be break the birier they need 7 human souls .. The magician who casted the spell thought of the possibility of some human might fall accidentally and be trapped alongside the monsters, so they casted a powerful spell that awakes a power only for people  with potential and use it against monsters to survive and gain their soul as a ticket of way out here... But it comes with its odds too.. If the monster gain a one human soul he can get out" "That's.. " and she paused.
Chara stood up and faced her lending his hand out "let's... Go for a walk, shall we?" He offered trying to be considerate .. She nodded and held his hand shyly. They both went walking around the ruins, he bought some donut for Frisk thinking it might cheer her up, and it worked like magic! Then a spider gave away a chocolate donut as a giveaway thanks for their favorite customer, Frisk noticed Chara's gazing at the donut and seemed to be drooling over it , she beamed "I never thought you'd like donuts?" She giggled , he shook disapproval "Oh so you are into chocolate..?" "Well... Yeah... So what?!" He muttered she handed out the chocolate donut "Here! That's a thank you for the walk" he took it without hesitation "well... Thanks" and munched it. Then he returned her back to home holding each other's hands, "Frisk.. You have a choice I want you to think of it throughly the whole night and I want an answer tomorrow" she raised her chin wondering, "You have a choice .. You either get out from underground without killing anyone " he affirmed "Or change the monsters hearts and their idea about humans.. Just like what you did here in the RUINS
Frisk spaced out for a moment " is there a way out without killing?" He nodded "I'll tell you Only if you want to head the surface". Heading to the surface.. Going out.. All seemed for Frisk like a hell she tries to avoid, but she must think throughly before she give an answer.. And how she would face Toriel about it. "And just for tonight, stay away from the downstairs.. I'm serious, just tonight" he shoved his hand inside his pocket, "Huh! How do you know that?" Frisk said in a wavy tone. "That doesn't matter, I promised to look after you" her cheeks turned pink and nodded  "Okay" and each departed their ways.


After an hour or so, at Toriel's house downstairs  where the huge door separate the RUINS and Snowdin. A sound of footsteps getting close, "Ah! You're here! I mean What a coincidence, it's not like I came here earlier than usual or so"  Sans said laughing half heartedly.. But no body responds "Ummm knock knock?"
"You never change, don't you Sans" Finally someone spoke...
Sans was lost.. Emotions bashed each other inside him, he wanted to speak, his usual grin faded into gritting his teeth "You..." Sans said roughly
"Greetings Sans.. It's me" Chara revealed himself, giving a half smile.
"You ballsy lil shit!!" Sans roared banging the gate repeatedly "You better lay your hands off.."
"Calm down.." Chara sighed " I'm in control" his expression dulled.. Sans stopped his aimless punches for a moment and backed up a bit , his eyes sockets show nothing but black hole. "Give me one reason not to Gaster blast the heck of you with this gate?" His mouth twisted from impatience, "First of all, you can't.. We both know that Toriel casted a spell preventing anyone to enter or exit this place" he turned his back to the wall and sat down, "Second.. I'm in control.. Don't worry" he stated while his eyes shut.
"Shitard, you have a lot explaining here" Sans demanded , Chara chuckled "yeah before that, I have a favor to ask"
"And why would I do whatever you want now huh?!" Sans raised his what to be eyebrow with blackout eyes. "Because YOU TWO owe me big time, and that's the only thing I will ever ask from you" he answered, pondering his thoughts.
For few moments, Sans gave up releasing a big sigh out .. For some reason he was hesitant and stressed .. Did he have to do what Chara wants him to? He thought.
"I'll think about it" he hated the idea but he wanted to stall this request for now.. There won't be any upcoming human perhaps? All what concerns him now more than the possibility of new fallen human or anything is Chara's explanation. "Just spit what you have" Sans stated aggressively, he was irritated that he decided to stay still facing the gate and the answer that yet to be known.
Chara's expression was empty.. Yet his corner of his eyes reflected many scenes and made him sorrow. Lowering his face then taking a glance at the hallway,  "Very well." He decided.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now