The Calm before the Storm

337 19 2

All the hardest, coldest people you meet..
Were once soft as water.
And that's the tragedy of living..


(( Walking under the glowing stars path with him, fills you with determination)) Frisk reached for another shining object as they walk.
"These really look like stars" Frisk points up at the glowing stones as they walk
"They made it to look like stars" he responds "so pretty!" She beams to the view, aside of it being just glowing stones sticked to the ceiling of the cave.
"Pretty right? How about watching them close by here" Sans waved in front of them with a telescope next to him "What are you plotting at now" Chara crossed his arms over his chest
"Don't get me wrong here I'm just thinking getting into telescope business and such" Sans winks playfully to Chara, he had to do these stuff to keep on watching them whiteout anyone suspecting around. Frisk eyes were sparkling "Looks so cool" she gave the impression of wanting to try it out "It's for 5000G" Sans grinned sharply. Frisk jaws dropped even with the part times she doesn't carry even half of that amount "But since you are my friends and all you can try it for free" he offers. Chara's expression was doubting him for a reason.
Frisk helped her self, she kneels down and tried to look but it was all red she pushed her eye socket and tried left and right. Sans was holding his laugh but he still snickered somehow. She gets off from the telescope with a red circle around her right eye "There's something wrong with it, all I see is red!" Frisk tapped her chin wondering.

 She gets off from the telescope with a red circle around her right eye "There's something wrong with it, all I see is red!" Frisk tapped her chin wondering

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Sans kept laughing while Chara grinned at her funny eye "Hey Sans it's your business..take responsibility" his eye twitched, Sans swallowed "umm it was free ya know? Otherwise I would give her full refund" he avoided looking at Chara who was smirking even sharper "No no.. You must check your telescope now"
"Oh boy" Sans shrugged, Chara pulls him from his shirt and pushed his face to the scoop, gaining a red circle socket "yup doesn't work just like Frisk described" Frisk looks at his face pointing the red circle " I dunno kid, trend maybe?" He shrugged
"Let's make sure one more time yeah?" Chara sniggering creepily , Sans backed away one step regretting ever thinking of doing this prank
"Laters punk" Chara and Frisk walked away leaving Sans with two red circled eyes "yup deserved it alright" he says

 You must check your telescope now" "Oh boy" Sans shrugged, Chara pulls him from his shirt and pushed his face to the scoop, gaining a red circle socket "yup doesn't work just like Frisk described" Frisk looks at his face pointing the red circle "...

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