Bad News

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"Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason...."




It didn't take long time until everyone heard the news. It was unbelievable. Their friends thought that it could be a prank prepared by them, but Pranks don't go that far and extent.

The one who found out was Sans. The other day when he was taking a stroll, he saw Frisk running and was chased by Chara. Both of them didn't notice Sans who was wondering what was that about. So, he followed them from a distance and saw how Chara was shut down and went begging and pleading about the breakup thing for a while.

"breakup....?" Sans narrowed his eyes, hearing that word filled him with disgusted joy. A feeling that he knows it is wrong and sick, but he can't help but feel happy about it.

He didn't talk to Chara and left him alone. He decided not to talk to Frisk and go back home for now. He kept his eyes if Chara would show up or make any kind of move, but Chara didn't leave the house until yesterday night. Undyne came back home after a night over at Alphys's place.

"Hey punk, I've been thinking we should hit at Alphy's place today, there is this epic fighting robots' anime with guns and long swords!" she walks in a circle while Papayrus and Sans are chilling on the couch.


"You should nerd, we must learn the human's history after all,"

"Undyne, animes are not.... Nope, never mind." Sans switched his sight back to the T.V when Undyne gave him a cold glare.

"I'll go inform Frisk and Chara-"

"No!" Sans objected loudly, even Papayrus looked at him in a weird way.

"What's with that? Why not?" Undyne crossed her arm, boring her eyes into Sans. He was in a deep thought, thinking carefully but he finally decided to announce the news "don't bother them now... yesterday they broke up," he said, looking at Undyne, her expression changed dramatically in disbelief.


"B-BROKE UP? ARE THEY HURT?!" Papayrus jumped out from the couch staring at his brother all worried.

"Well... I guess it hurts bro," Sans replied. Undyne is still speechless.


"I'm afraid it's something that can't be fixed with magic or pills bro, it hurts from their inside. You can't see it," Sans tried to explain.

"B....BUT..." Papayrus dropped his eyes down, feeling sad about his human friends. Undyne shook her head, finally was able to collect her thoughts "PUNK! WHAT DID YOU DO??" she hisses at Sans.

Sans scoffed "What do you mean fish-bait? You are being rude you know?"

"You probably did something! W-why would they.... They were great... together..." Undyne punched the wall, staggered and felt confused to the whole thing. Sans, on the other hand, seems to be more... adapted and calm. How Sans was acting naturally about it made Undyne suspects him, but from what Papayrus told her Sans was actually at home the whole day yesterday.

This is how the news of their break up spread. After telling Undyne, Alphys and Genzo were informed. Both of them are no different than Undyne and couldn't absorb the news or accept it. Alphys was more denying. Mettaton was told by Alphys, she wanted to rush all the way to Snowden but Alphys forbid her and told her to stand down for now. All of them wanted to give time and space, but at the same time, they really wanted to be there for Frisk and Chara who are having a hard time alone.

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