Valantine Day

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Six days until the awaited date. The aura around the air is passionate, wild and red. A lot of monsters are being more alluring, kind and loving. All of them except for a human girl who has been having the different kind of air, anxiety and stress kept her company for the whole day. The smell of burnt chocolate saturated the kitchen, her apron that was tainted with flour, egg yolk and some other ingredients made Frisk look in a complete mess. She bites her thumbnail impatient, eyes skimming through a note she wrote down when Mettaton aired the show 'Valentine special chocolate cake preparation with loving robot'.

"I did everything! step by step! but it's not sweet enough, not good enough and it keeps burning!" Frisk sulks, but she was filled with determination to keep trying! Frisk clenches the mixer and tries again. Thayer chuckles at her before he comments ((Just buy cheap one from the grocery.... he won't tell the difference AHAHAHA))

"that won't do... it must be handmade"

((More special for the person you love huh... I'm so jelly))

Thayer gestures a tilt from his head directed behind her that she has company, the moment she looked back she found two skeletons peeking behind the door before they dash running away.

"I said no peaking!!!!" she throws a bone she found inside one of the drawers below the sinker.

A sound of snigger and Papayrus pumping to something echoed to the kitchen. Frisk asked to borrow their Kitchen the other day for her preparations since she doesn't have a kitchen equipment that big in their home. Because of this, she thought to make extra bonus of chocolates for everyone.

'You know, I'm not only making one for Chara... but also for everyone I love here. It's shame that you can't eat one... but I promise you I'll still make one for you regardless!"

After saying that, Frisk looked back at her notes while Thayer remained looking at her with a half-smile. ((How about instead trying aimlessly here, ask for guidance and get some fresh air yeah?)) he suggests.

'From who?' she replies within her conscious secretly.

((you have mother goat, the spider lady too... aren't they passionate about their cooking?))

"Oh my God great idea!!" her excitement made her yell it out loud. She takes off the apron and heads immediately to the RUINS. Thanking Thayer for a brilliant reminder on her way, she reached the RUINS and asked her mother for help.

For a mother, getting asked for help from her children is something that to be proud of and happy. Even if it was something simple like how to make a chocolate cake for the one she loves, her other son. Toriel giggled softly, taking Frisk to the kitchen for cooking sessions.

After few hours of experiments, Frisk got the idea and could make a regular chocolate.

On the second day, Frisk decided to make more unique, sweeter and cute looking chocolate cake. Heading towards Hotland to Muffet, who found Frisk's request sudden.

"That's so sweet deary! I would gladly teach you~ but I won't tell you my secret recipe!" she accepts with a soft giggle, gladly.

"Thank you so much Muffet!" Frisk joyfully beams.

"It just happens that a different human quite long long time ago came to underground... she didn't make it here to Hotland. But the spiders in the RUINS happened to encounter her and learned one thing or two,"

".... a human you say?"

"mhm...she was kind and mature too. Passionate chief she was..." Muffet's six eyes dropped to the cup of tea she was holding, "We happen to keep her pan too~" she says, snapping one of her hands. A bunch of spiders carried a pan and placed it on the table.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now