The Dark Dimension

250 11 7

1- so sorry! No like really sorry!
2- listen to the Gaster theme when you read the word Gaster theme
3- Enjoy !


Frisk POV:-

I couldn't remember anything the moment I heard that strong sound of a glass breaking, I only remember how my eardrums hurt me really bad I thought I would go deaf. And the urge to puke everything inside my stomach.. it was agonizing as If I was about to puke my organs outside. My eyes welled up with a heavy panting.. I tried to take a peak at Riverperson but my eyes opened wide when I saw them vanish before my eyes. I then passed out.
I didn't know how long was it.. The pain reduced slowly until its gone, I opened my eyes with a few blinks when I felt the boat hitting the cliff. I was all alone on the boat.. at Waterfall.
I rose up holding still for my balance looking around.. something wasn't right.. where is the Riverperson?
Not only that.. the place seems so different. It's unusually cold here! I wrapped my arms around my self for warmth "H-hello?" I tried calling whoever is available here.. hopping not to see Genzo or Undyne yet. But there was something else I had a hard time realizing it.
"Why is everything.. are grey and black?!" I said when I looked at the echo flowers and the glowing stars and everything! It was so dark.. colorless.. lifeless as well.
As if there weren't a single living being.. no sound.. no voice, only my own voice Could spread the place. In a fright, I pulled out my phone and tried to call Sans.
Chara will really snap at me but it's his fault for not getting a phone!
But before I even press a call there was a cracking phone noise, I still dialed hopping it was a bad server or anything! But there's no response.
I cleared my throat and moved forward hopping to find anyone or a way out of here.. maybe I should get back to Snowdin by feet? I thought as I was walking.
I suddenly stopped at a femelier sight, My smile grew wide for his presence "Monster kid!!" I called but he didn't hear me, he was unusually a bit taller than I remember. I touched his shoulder slightly but the moment he turned to look at me I backed away shuddering in shock!
He wasn't the monster kid I knew....!!
His eyes... his eyes are pure white with no pupils staring at me lifelessly "I-I'm sorry! I mistook you with a friend I know" I said with a worried tone, I could swear he looked like a zombie!!
But taking a good look at him now his clothing is different. He has a blocky, checkerboard-like pattern, a two horns on one side and two lines behind their head. He was staring at me with his big white eyes not saying anything at all "umm.. I'm sorry it was an accident, I will be careful" I excused wanting to leave but he finally spoke "haha" he gave a bitter laugh that left me hanging as I looked back at him "It's okay.. I ended up here by accident too" I couldn't understand what was he talking about, he looked too old to get lost "Um.. can I help you?" I stood right besides him " Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same...except you don't exist?" He turns his face back at me, I could see my reflection of my worried eyes through his white eyes.
What is he talking about? "W-what is this about?" I asked with concern
"Everything functions perfectly without you..." he added.
I thought about what was he saying.. a world that exactly the same... but I don't exist in it.. everything goes on perfectly.
I kept thinking without noticing.. I was thinking of underground.. where Chara doesn't know me neither Toriel or the skeletons.. and all those who I met. How things would go on well without me existing there... I even remembered my life at the surface... back at the Orphanage... and back to him. This idea alone made my eyes go round and my face turned pale.

I lowered my chin down as I hugged myself to what I was thinking "this thought... terrifies me" I said with a wavy tone. He looks at me before he smiles "yeah.. indeed" he limps a few steps further toward the cliff of the lake "everything here is the same.. there's nothing new here at all" he sits down on the wooden bridge. He looked so sad.. so empty.. I didn't know what I should do here, or if it was really the same waterfall I know. But At this moment I thought of a way to cheer him up. "I'll be right back real quick!" I excused and ran as fast as I could to that place, "there it is!" I took it from the basket and ran back all the way.. I noticed something odd on my way.. there wasn't any monsters out there as if this place was abandoned. But that doesn't explain that grey monster. When I reached back he was still at his spot sitting. "Over here!" I called for him, he looks at me with a confused expression. I started dancing and playing around with an umbrella I'm holding. It was stupid but I don't think he would like my puns or lame jokes in this kind of situation. When I finished dancing with the umbrella he was still staring confused.
But he finally smiles and laughs! I was relieved I sat next to him putting the umbrella between us "I disagree what you said back then! Maybe things are the same but you can always make a difference!" I cheered him, he was smiling looking up to the umbrella "un umbrella huh.. even though it's not raining" he said
"It doesn't matter! It looks neat" I playfully replied
"You know, that does make me feel a little better about this...thank you" he tilts his head looking at me. His white eyes doesn't look as scary as it was when I encountered him.. and even if it was just for a bit.. he seemed to regain his life.
"Human.. you are lost, but I'm far gone.. but it's okay" he stood up out of blue taking few steps back "you will return to your world again and unite with your loved ones.. but once you do" he paused for a moment.. clearing his throat. A tear fell from his eye

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