Into The Abyss

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When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.

Frisk POV:-


I've been falling into the dark abyss, and it's all my fault. Too much goodness and blind kindness can turn into foolishness.

Was I a fool after all?

Even back.... At the surface. What being goodness do for me?

I was in pain and everyone used me. I was happy to help others and make them smile even if it's causing me misery.

I've always put everyone's happiness as my top priority.

I was tricked, I was fooled. And my friends will pay a huge price for my stupidity.

I never took their hints and their warnings. I thought this way I could save everyone. EVERYONE.....

I thought.... Everyone deserved a chance. Their own happy ending.

They told me to be careful, to stay cautious when you stare into the abyss long enough, you would forget the fear and the consequences.

I would reply and defend, perhaps what lays in the abyss is people crying for help.

Broken people that yearn for kindness act.

I thought I would find a broken person that tries to climb out. And I foolishly even thought that I could help and support them.

But then, the shadows whispered and enchanted me with their dark alluring spell.

((What is real and what is justice? What is fair and what is nonsense?))

((How irrelevant can we all be? This elaborate illusion of law, control, equality and order? That's really funny, don't you think?))

((How do you see yourself? How do you see the others?))

((Are you all in the same page? Or are you behind the curtain?))

((Don't you think the society takes itself too seriously? Do you know what would happen?))

((People like us appear, gets lost and mad as a result,))

((Humans sense of control is just an illusion... or maybe it's a madman delusion?))

((Everyone is mad, oh we must be!))

But.... I'm not mad.

((Then you wouldn't throw yourself into this hell hole. You wouldn't be here in the first place; do you know why?))


((Because you wouldn't come here! to me!))

I desperately with all my heart wished that it would be a nightmare. The truth is too painful to admit. Yes.... I must be mad. I must be mad for trying to kill myself, I must be mad to stare into the darkness too much and get dazed by it, I must be mad that regardless of everything that happened to my life back to the surface.

I really and truly believed. That I was dead the moment I fell, and living with these monsters was a beautiful dream.

Meeting Chara is..... a lovely dream.

The truth was too disturbing though, the shadow got under my skin. I am out of control and I didn't just snap out of this horrible nightmare.

This nightmare that I can't wake up from it...

I admit. There was a broken man in the abyss. I reached down to help him out because I really thought that I could SAVE him. But every time my hand almost touched his he would slip. Fall a little deeper. Or this is what I thought.

So, I followed. Insisting to get him out of the dark, I descended to do it. I thought it was my job.

I'll help you!

I'll SAVE you!

I believe in you!

Whatever you do, I'll SPARE you!

Even with my attempts, he would still slip back. And blindly I would step deeper into the dark, determined to get him out!

But.... It was too late when I realized.

That the shadow, that broken person. Wasn't slipping away at all no...

He was LURING me into his trap hole.

But all the time, inside of me. I had a little feeling that I knew all along that person might be a trickster. But I refused to abandon him. I needed to believe it not for his sake but for my good will.

I was desperately drowned to his broken voice. Because if I get down, just a bit more... If I had extended my hand a bit deeper into this dark abyss, I can reach him. I can help him. I needed to believe that.

I needed to believe that I could SAVE everyone and leave no one behind. Because I thought I knew the way out.

But... thing is... deep inside this abyss, for the first time in a long time.....

I doubt it.

Because of my ignorance, as I reach to the bottom of the abyss, I have reached him, only... it's not a man that I've tried to help him out from the darkness...

Not.... A human at all.....

((Go to sleep Frisk.... It's much easier and less painful if you close your eyes.... Just leave everything to me,))

Like a lullaby, I closed my eyes to sleep, away from this living nightmare.












((You are my puppet now))

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