Nightmare ( Chara )

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I keep seeing it... Creeping from the corners
Lurking around like a shadow walkers
It's full of hate
And It won't be safe ..
As we walk I feel a tapping on my shoulder
I turn around in an alarming gaze

"Chara look! A Ghost blocking the path" Frisk whispered
Really not feeling to it right now
I let a big sigh out .. I'm losing my mind
"You look .. Terrified .. Whats wrong Chara?" I Could see her worrying..
Wouldn't blame her I feel I'm losing my mind and I'm at the end of my wits
Those shadows causing me nightmares  ... A horrible pain inside my mind is tearing me apart


With a slight touch of her hands .. To my horrified face
The darkness has fallen ..
The madness erased
My fast heart beating .. Started to calm down
I was almost.. About to breakdown

I looked at her "Im fine .. Sorry I made you worry"
She nodded .. And seemed to have an idea "come Chara!"
I saw her head towards that Ghost who is a actually pretending to sleep ... He never changes that habit of his huh
I glazed at them .. What?!
Frisk laid next to the ghost on the red leaved floor
"And What do you think you are doing?!" I stated what is she thinking seriously
"Sleeping duh" she giggled "it's really comfortable let's take a rest" she tapped the floor next to her
I was speechless  ...
Does she think I'm exhausted or something.. She's being overly considerable
She needs it more than I do though
Oh well it won't harm .. And we are close to the target place anyway
I sat next to her
"Not napping?" She wondered
"In a few.. You take a rest" I waited her to sleep while staring at that Ghost

After few minutes I could hear her sleepy breathes ..
I moved a bit of her hair that covers her face behind her ears
So silky .. Feels nice
What are you doing Chara stop playing around .... Should I close my eyes for a bit?
I wondered .. Then decided to close my eyes
To the darkness.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now