LOV vs Love (2)

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The party invitations were spread. The location was in no other than the skeletons house.

8 hours earlier before the party


Chara was meeting Flowey until a third party barged in.

"Chara darling, I hope you don't have plans for tonight~? Good, we must get you prepared,"

Flowey wanted to hiss at Mettaton but Chara replied with a sigh "You didn't even wait for me to say if I do... Well, not like I really have something to do," he says, with a fake upsetting smile. Mettaton tsks in disapproval "It's Alphys's birthday today, and everyone is invited," She showed him the invitation card, she was permitted to deliver it to him specifically and persuade him in case he declines.

Chara was surprised to hear about Alphys's birthday, and he instantly thought that they wanted to cheer him up. He scratched his head, stuttering.

"Can't you see that he doesn't want to go? Shoo weirdo,"

"Chara darling, can you tell that ugly stem of yours to know his place?" She glares at the yellow flower beneath her.

He got used to this daily quarrel between Mettaton and Flowey. Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to it just as much as Mettaton ignored Flowey's hissing tone.

"She will be there too...."

Just with this little 3-second phrase, Chara's eyes widen as he jerks his head to Mettaton. She saw the love that he still clinging to his girl who left him.

"Don't fall for her Chara, she probably saying this so you-"

"I'm not lying darling, it's the truth... Frisk left the RUINS days ago~" Mettaton shot annoyed eyes to Flowey while cutting half of his sentence. Chara was speechless, but now he is more hesitant to go now.

"I see...." Chara clears his throat, "Well it's better if I don't go you know? She won't be comfortable-"

"She is aware that you will be there too, she is fine with it-"

"SHE IS???" Chara jumped all hyped and excited before he realizes the surprised eyes staring at him "oh, I'm sorry.."

Flowey reluctantly rolled his eyes, the reaction that Chara gave second ago only means one thing...

"So you're in, huh?" Mettaton teasingly asks the obvious. Flowy gritted his teeth, as he lowers his face to the ground.

"I mean, sure why not? Not like I have something to do and such..."

"What about me Chara?" Flowey asks, sucking it up.

"Flowey, I need you to be with me! Well, if you want to... I would really be happy and comfortable if you come with me," Chara asks, it sounded like pleading for Flowey who felt flattered of how Chara really feels. For a moment, he thought that he would be thrown away easily now that Frisk might come back to Chara's life. Still, Flowey knew this is impossible.

"O-Of course!... Anything for you, Chara," Flowey grins so mischievously that Mettaton herself felt a bad vibe about him.

"Well darling, let's get you ready... I will make you Fabulous bad boy and the second center of the party after my darling Alphys!" Mettaton promises.

"Wait, what?"

Mettaton dragged Chara for a long shopping tour.


Around that same time, Frisk was having a double shopping with Sans in a different location, Snowdin. Thayer was playing the secret commentary role.

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