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A/N: the song dedicated for Chara at the end of this chapter, listen after you finish reading this! Enjoy


" I found in you what I lost on me .. In a world so cold and empty"


Frisk collapsed down with a pool of her blood.
Chara dropped down onto the ground, bugging his eye out and shivering at Frisk's floating red soul.. That cracked slowly all over it, he switched his eyes to Frisk face who was trying so hard to look at him.
Before her life ended in front of him.
Her cerulean blue eye turned lifeless.. Her soul than shattered to pieces.
(( The look on your face..... )) the shadow talked
(( Did this scene trigger you something?))

Chara POV:-

Long long ago.. Before She took her fall to the underground..
I never felt anything..
I never did since my birth as far as I recall..
I stayed at the RUINS for a long time that I lost the count.. All I did is watering the golden flowers.
I saw all the humans fell down and pass me by, some who tried to interact with me.. Giving them a cold glare and turn them down. I looked down at them.
Until something deep inside me.. I felt something or was it someone.. Calling me.
I opened my eyes wide up to that falling girl.. She didn't scream or shout.. I lift my arms reaching her to catch her. I thought I heard her soul asking me for help. I took a good look at her.. Red cheeked and a light brownish long hair.. A big bang of her hair blocked her eyes.. I laid her  down gently at the golden flower bed..she seemed to be fainted during her fall "What a dummy" I thought..
I looked at her for a while.. Not sure what I was waiting for .. But I was certain that her body laying on these flowers .. Made the view look stunning .. I was stunned.
She was alive, breathing softly.. But she didn't open her eyes .. That lasted for two days. There was something wrong and I stayed by her side.. I never knew why I was actually waiting for her to wake up. I poked her cheeks few times.. I even shook her shoulder slightly, her response was murmuring as if was someone annoying her sleep time.. I left her by and kept watering these flowers looking after her dead corpse.. I never grew sick from her view.
Until she opened her eyes.. My life has changed.
I was actually stressed and specially when I tried talking to her.. And when she suddenly ran.
Her eyes were full of life and so colorful I thought.. Why would she come here? That was a big mystery.

All these memories and thoughts came by like a flash and ended like one too..

I placed my hand at her cheek..
The feeling of her could skin.. Against my warm hand.
Makes me realize.. That she is no more.

Another flash scene popped to my head.. A dead woman in front of me with a pool of her blood.. Lifeless eyes.
I couldn't feel my self but screaming horribly covering my head
((Yes.. That's it.. I always loved that look on your eyes Chara!! ))

Her soul suddenly shaped differently and went to Genzo's hand.. My eyes were following.
That what happens when a human is killed by a monster.
(( The eyes of a stray animal ))
My eyes turned crimson red with a sharp iris .. I locked my eyes at him
(( ooo scary don't look at me.. But instead)) he smirked mischievously as he raise my chin to Genzo who was fascinated  by Frisk soul "Admirable from her.. She thinks of others before herself" he respected her being.
(( Look at him.. The killer of your beloved Frisk )) he chuckled
Sans dropped to his knees in disbelief, he put his hand at his bone cheeks that seemed to be filled with tears .. crying constantly "F..Frisk"
(( You won't let him get away with it now, will you? ))
I rose up my body tremor.. My throat was burning, the fuming aura around me harbingered a tempest of violence that was about to be fall.

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