Genocide Act 1 - Taking over

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Her blue eyes turned to sharp crimson. The first thing she did was examining the surrounding and the location. She wrinkled in disgust coming to a conclusion of what just happened here when she saw the exhausted Chara sleeping at ease all innocently.

She also came to a conclusion that this is no other place than Hotland's MTT resort. With such a high-quality furniture, it couldn't be Snowdin's.

"So you came all the way to him after all huh.... Must be a wild night, now feeling my body so aching. what a perv you are Frisky!" possessed Frisk whispered within herself giving a wide grin and face filled with the excitement of how she would finally proceed the plan.

She called a name in her deep conscious to come to where she was at once. The call was immediately abided and the receiver has popped up from the bottom of the room.

Flowey, with his black eyes and red iris, gave a wide mugging grin. He realized the time has finally come.

The possessed girl gestured him to come closer to her arm, and like the snake, sneaking around the room till he wrapped himself around her wrist. She leaned closer to his golden petals and whispered to him for a while.

Consequently, after they talked. The sleepy Chara finally woke up with tired eyes, he sensed something was on top of him. When he decided to adjust his sight quickly and get a good look at the figure before him, his cheeks reddened with a half cheesy smile on his face.

"Good morning gorgeous" Chara's whole face flushed when he checked her. Her hair all brought to one side, revealing her ear on the other side and the neck that was all marked by him, Frisk was wearing a tank that covered one of her shoulders as the other one revealed her soft skin that couldn't forget its sensation. She was gazing at him during his sleep, eyeing him with lustful eyes before she bites her lip. She made so many hints that Chara couldn't ignore. She wants him again.

This beautiful sight made him realize that what happened yesterday wasn't a sweet dream. But it was a lovely reality and the proof is already in front of him.

His heart started racing to the desert before him. Even though Chara had decided for the first thing to do this morning was to talk Frisk about them. He was drowned with his own thoughts, Frisk brushed both of her hands touching his warm body then throw them around Chara's neck. She was being such a tease in a different way, a different act from Frisk that Chara never witnessed until now. This naughty side of her blocked Chara's train of thought, losing to his lust, Chara pushed his face to clash with her lips. Though her palm hand stopped his lips to touch hers, with a playful giggle, Frisk reaches for a glass of juice that was laid next to the bed for a while. As for Chara who kept his eyes followed to every move and gesture Frisk did without questioning her,  thought she would offer him a drink.

Until she drunk it, without swallowing it. She drunk the whole glass, threw the glass behind her and dragged his face for a violent kiss.

'Kiss' isn't what Chara expected, she was feeding him the juice, her small eyelashes winked slowly few times as she watches him swallow the whole thing obediently till the very last drop, Frisk then pulled back with a few drops of the juice on the corner of her mouth, she still kept her arms locked around his neck.

"Frisk.. my God.... That was so hot!" Chara panted in between his words while showed his admiration for this new side. It was a matter of seconds till he dropped back down to the bed losing his conscious.

"heh.." possessed Frisk revealed her red eyes at the last moment before Chara closes his eyes but it was far too late.

She tilts her head in wonder, waiting.  Just taking precautions then poked his body few times to make sure.

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