Sobor Night

316 11 7

The more we hide our feelings, The more they show.
The more we see them happy with someone else, The more it hurts.
The more we deny our feelings..... The more they grow.


It's a beautiful night at Snowdin...
Kids were sleeping, stores are closing.
On night like this, at Grillby's place.
Sans was stoned like a rock.

Inside the bar.. A figure of Sans leaning his head to the counter, clenching the bottle of ketchup so tight, with a pile of empty bottles below him. The bar wasn't supposed to be open this late.. But Grillby couldn't help but to comfort Sans.

He was waiting for him to talk, to joke.. Anything! Grillby couldn't help but to be more worried.. To see this new side of Sans, a sad side. An expression doesn't fit this friendly skeleton. Broken-hearted.

Grillby tried to talk, asked if anything was wrong but he refused to answer. Or even open his mouth regardless his usual grin, Sans pressed the top of the bottle to his mouth squeezing the ketchup to take a sip, but it was already empty.
Sans dropped  it with the other empty bottles with a long sigh "Weird Grillby... None of them taste the usual" his tone was heavy from too much drinking then he dropped his head to the counter.
In this kind of situation, it would be the wise thing for Grillby not to let him drink that much to begin with, but only this time.. Grillby thought he just needed to let his chest out by drinking to feel better. But he didn't.
Sans gestured for another bottle but this time Grillby shook his head. "Please" Sans whined like a little helpless puppy. He was lost to his emotions. Grillby finally realized from the look of Sans eyes, that it was about Frisk.
And that, perhaps their feelings weren't mutual..  This fire bartender looked at his favorite customer who rarely ever pay the taps..

You would say.. How to help a broken hearted person?
How to support them when they already are hurt and at a bad state?

The answer is... You can't do anything. You just be there for them. Stay next to them.. Make them feel you are here and that you care.
"It's ok.......Sans" Grillby talked, Sans glanced at him, he brushed his head with his flame hand, but it didn't burn Sans.. It was just. Warmer than usual.
Sans chuckeled painfully "Sorry Grillbz.. That's really pathetic of me"

The door of the bar snapped open "FIRE MAN! SANS HERE?" Papayrus yelled with panic, Sans fell from his chair startled "SANS" he jumped to his brother side and carried him "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE SO LATE? I'M TAKING YOU HOME NOW!" He pulled him to his back before even his brother can say anything to him "THANKS FOR THE CALL FIRE MAN!" He saluted to Grillby then jogged out with his bro.

".................. It's Grillby"

To help a broken person.... You need to let them allow this pain in their life.
It will always remain there.. Just a matter of time... Time passes fast, and the wounds will be no more at last.... Or that's what they always say.

Papyrus was heading towards home, piggyback his brother "sssorry...bro" Sans was snoozing
"NOT SURE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.. I'M GLAD YOU ARE FINE THOUGH" Papayrus sighed sadly.. Sans never been late to home before, and the humans aren't sleeping at their house tonight. Both of them felt lonely despite having each other "OH I KNOW WHAT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER!" He rose his hand to an idea that flashed his mind "I WILL CALL FRISK TOMORROW, SHE PROMISED TO HANGOUT AGAIN!" He states.
Sans closed his eyes with a fake grin "Not a bright idea... the reason I'm like this is her" he whispers.
"WHAT WAS THAT? DIDN'T CATCH THAT" papayrus turned his head while unlocking their home door.
Sans was snoring.. He fell asleep with a lot of thoughts. "Nyeh.. I always knew you needed a brother like me" Papayrus lowered his tone and proceeded to Sans room "It will be rude to call her this late, I will wait tomorrow"

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