What a Glamours day!

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I want to tell you how I feel....
But I'm scared of being hurt,
I'm scared of you not feeling the same,
And scared of falling harder.



Few hours ago, back at the lab where Sans lost his temper to his old colleague from the papers he received from her.

"S-Sans, I can explain!"

"What is there to explain Alphys!!!" Sans snapped "You were trying to recreate the device on your own?! You don't even know what it's for, do you?!" He glared at her.

Alphys felt strangled with Sans raging eyes "I-I thought I would know if I tried to create it and understand how its structural functions together!" She tried to explain.

"An accident would of occurred with your carelessness!"

Alphys locked her jaw, indeed, after she heard how Dr Gaster and the others ended up with this, she has nothing to say, she could of ended up the same. Sans is mad because he didn't want her to end up the same fate as them.
"I'm sorry" she settled with an apology, Sans sighed "Putting that aside.. I'm glad nothing happened" he looked at the paper again "But this is really interesting, you managed to make a blueprint with a little data you have" he was impressed. Despite Alphys low esteem personality, she does have a great potential in making theories and discoveries. Is that what Gaster noticed from her? Sans thought "th-thank you! Now I understand with the folder you have I can relocate the...." she stopped when she saw him smirking at her with blacked out eyes. She closed her mouth "never mind!" Sans handed the papers back "actually, we might need your new model and if needed we can use the one that has been damaged and help Gaster to get back" he suggests. Alphys dropped her jaw confused "yes, exactly we will bring Gaster back" he declares.

"I thought Dr Gaster is—"

"Long story, short is Frisk ended up in the other dimension and encountered him breaking the shell he made he is in the same space as us" he points on the ground.

"H-here? In this very place?" She swallows.

"I dunno where exactly, he could be everywhere. His body probably unstable too and that can work in our advantages" he replies.

"Oh my God, Dr Gaster!! Finally! w-we have to prepare and—"

Sans cuts her "Yeah I was wondering if I could bring the device to the true lab" , Alphys's expression changed "oh.. we can't" she just remembered something "eh? Why?" Sans rose his eyebrow. "I forgot, K-King Asgore gave me a work to do and umm" she pauses for a second "There is something else I need to do with Frisk concerning about tomorrow's show..." she taps her chin, Sans popped his head up "Oh yeah, there was something like that" he then grins widely "If something funny happened tomorrow....." he threats "Please no more threatening already I like Frisk! And I'm trying to help her" she sighed, annoyed about him, she wants him to trust him but it seems anything connected to Frisk makes him loose his cool instantly.
"That's good to hear... anyway, I will give you time until you finish your duties" he jam his left hand inside his pocket "In the mean time, it won't hurt to study the steps" Alphys joins him "y-yes of course" she takes a pen out from her lab coat pocket and adjust her glasses. They both sit down to the closest chairs available and started reading already. Alphys spotted something new on Sans for a while "What's with the hat?" She asks, he grins, giving her the look of finally you asked.

"What? You don't like it? Don't be HATin it, it's cool" he jokes

she scows "It's unusual for you"

"It's from Frisk, I don't HAT it at all" he actually fond of it.

Alphys remained quite looking how happy he is, she smiles before she says "I ship you both.."

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