Strong bonds

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Frisk POV:-

Things in MTT resort were becoming a bit chaotic. There was the A.C issue that hardly blow even when we set it to maximum cool setting, it caused unbearable heat and when they tried to fix it.. well. It got worse and now, it's extremely hot!!
That wasn't the only case, the water reached near boiling temperature as soon as we turned open the faucets; so we can either boil ourselves or not clean at all since there was hardly any water pressure!
To put it simple, the place was put to under maintenance.

(( So, when are you going to tell him about THAT? ))

'I don't know, it's too soon!'

(( better than too late.. ))

"Back to the RUINS I assume?" Chara suggested the obvious, leaving MTT resort behind, we took all our stuff as we head back. I had to bring it up as soon as possible before he suspects anything "umm... Chara, how about we hit it over at Sans and Papayrus?"
Chara tilts his head as he eyes me suspiciously "not that I don't mind but.. why all of sudden?"

(( ah it's okay! you didn't fuck it up yet! )) Thayer said standing next Chara thumbing me up with both of his hands "well... I.. I want to surprise mom and.." I stuttered, I wasn't convincing and Thayer is making me more nervous!
"Okay" Chara approved with a shrug "really?!" I replied rather fast "sure, why not? it's been ages after all so it wouldn't hurt" he smiled to me. I was beamed, he might not know how exaggerating happy I am now but he will understand later!

(( that turn out well! give yourself a cookie ))

'Shush you!'

Snowdin, oh I miss this chillness and the lively atmosphere here. I took a deep inhale filling my lunges with this breezy air. I'm so excited to live here again! I hope nothing happens though..
Chara was peaking at me, entertained by my reaction "w-what is it?" I asked as I twirled my hair "nothing gorgeous, do they know that we are coming?" he wonders "no, which will be a nice surprise right?!" I faked a smile "yeah they would" he said before knocking the door, the door flew open "WOWI! HUMANS YOU FINALLY MISSED THE GREAT PAPAYRUS!"

"Greetings Papayrus — angh!"

Papayrus was able to hold Chara up before he hugs him, Chara was not used to any close touches and still getting the hang of it "yeah I missed the great Papayrus" he said before patting his shoulder "Hey there, was wondering what's all that rusk about" Sans surprised us from the first floor "Sorry for intruding!"
"Come on kiddo, told you y'all welcomed anytime"

"Is it ok to sleep over for the night?" Chara tried be polite.

"spend as much as you want here" Sans shrugs, I eyed him trying to hint me to our deal. His eye lids switched to me and gave me a fast wink "Welp, I'll be at Grillby's" Sans hints before he leaves.

(( Tell me you are not planning to follow him? ))

'I have to, but how to make it look natural..'

I checked on Chara who's arranging our bags in a side and made himself comfy on coach.

"PUNK, THAT'S MY SPOT!" Her voice startled us all coming from the kitchen "Undyne!" I called surprised "hello Frisk and Chara"


"How are you doing with the cold so far?" Chara directed her, knowing that besides the skeletons, she can't manage this cold "It's fucking cold here, but believe me it's better than hotland..." I thumbed up to that "It just sucks that I didn't bring clothes for this kind of weather" Undyne adds, and by that I got a great idea!

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