I'm Back

91 7 2

The darkness doesn't seem to fail me whenever I fascinate it.

Dark more and more darkness! I would require even beyond.

I was born in darkness I have to admit, molded by it. My rightful place that I belong is no other than the dark of the night..

My dear darkness friend,
Let the blackness fills me wholly..
This tender sensation, swirling around me, engulfing me with desperate whispers of fear and tear. Pouring me with pleasing eroticism.. I could spend my lifetime in the darkness for all it matters... I couldn't understand why would anyone fear from such alluring phenomena..?

My lovely sweet darkness....

Don't we all look the same when we are surrounded by you?



I mustn't forget.

My true existence.

My reason.

My goal.

and most importantly....

My hate.

Hate... yes. More and more hate.

Hate, is my true existence.

Hate is my power, my simulator, my passionate hate that motivates me to my desiring goals..

Just how long has it been anyway?

I lost the count, but it doesn't matter no. It doesn't matter at all,

It's worth the long wait.

Ahhh.....I can feel it. Sense it.

Even better! I already KNOW.

The pieces are put together, everything is at where it should be. Just like the previous times..

All is left?

For me to insert the last piece for this game.

My last..

Checkmate of Death =)

(( Guess who's back~ I wonder if she missed me? Can't wait to see her face! ))

(( That child of the prophecy.. ))

Third person P.O.V:-

Frisk was having a soundless nap this afternoon. Chara who was preparing to go out and meet up with Sans and Alphys who both were waiting for him in the laboratory. After retrieving Dr Gaster's book from Genzo the other day, they came a theory to bring Gaster back from the void. So they required Chara's SOUL for this purpose.

"you really shouldn't stayed up late watching ChibiAttack"

"Mmm...mhhmm..." Frisk replied with a tired murmur under the covers. Chara chuckled before he place a fast kiss on her messy hair.

"you sure you want to stay here Flowey? I'm sure she won't wake up anytime soon" Chara asked before wearing his green tracksuit and searched for his shoes.

"Yeah, I don't feel like it today.." Flowey said weak spiritedly to his statement. He had to stay away from there while remaining close to her. Chara shrugs before he takes his leave "Well, take care both of you. Catch you later"

Just as Chara left, Flowey's expression twisted to his kill and be killed face. He lets out a long annoyed sigh and looked at Frisk with hate flaming through his eyes.
There was nothing to do and he decided to annoy Frisk during her sleep.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now