Trapped by the shell

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Frisk PoV:-

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!
Am I going to die here?! Wait, he wouldn't do that inside the library surrounded with other monsters. Wait, that's exactly what Sans got upset about while ago.. I'm not sure when was the last time I touched the star and I don't want to cause more problems and uproar then what I already did!

I made a hard decision and that is to press on and look for books that will help me to gain more knowledge of the monsters history. Thankfully, Genzo didn't turn this place into battlefield and all he did was staring at me. The library was not as big as I imagined it to be. Actually it was small and simple that I doubted I would find what I'm looking for. As I walked slowly I kept my eyes on the names of each shelf section until I reached 'History'. There were only three books while the rest of the shelf were empty, I pulled the three of them with disbelief. I can hardly call them books because of its small content. I hesitated to ask the librarian or even open my mouth here and resolved to read them instead.

I sat on the nearest table with two monsters working on a newspaper, and settled my books as I picked one to read right away. Genzo walked calmly to my table and sat in front of me with one book. The other monsters were stressed and escaped the table to another one leaving us two alone.

That's distressing. Can I even focus on my reading? I thought, trying to take a little peak behind the book. Surprisingly, he was too focused on his book. I think it's unnecessary to text or call Chara about this. I must think calmly to make Genzo accepts me without making the wrong move. I was filled with determination! this is an opportunity I mustn't miss!

I wonder if the others will get mad at me with this..?

I sighed, remembering that Thayer is no longer. I bet he would say something like You don't learn do you or such..

Back to reading.

Monster funerals
Monster funerals, when monsters get old they turn into dust, at funerals they take that dust and spread it on that person's favorite thing. Then their essence will live on in that thing..
In other sources, they said that monsters cross to what so called the afterlife gate to their original real world only when regrets don't hold them down to the living world, roaming aimlessly and endlessly. Some say that only the purist beings can hear their whispers. But this is only a legend, there is no proof for it.

While monsters are mostly made of magic, human beings are mostly made of water. This fact helped humans with their physical forms, to be far stronger than monsters.  Because of that, even when humans get old and die their physical body remains even after their SOULS shatter to pieces. While monsters dust away slowly when dying from old age. The statues of their SOUL resembles to the monster itself. As monster dusts slowly their SOUL shatters slowly too.

However, Humans will never know the joy of expressing themselves through magic. That perhaps what gave a distance between monsters and humans.

Gotta love the Author's comment.

"What's this?" I hummed, there was something written with a different font than the others.

Because they are made of magic, monsters's bodies are attuned to their SOUL. If a monster doesn't want to fight, its defenses will weaken. And the crueller the intentions of the enemies, the more their attacks will hurt us. Therefore, if a being with a powerful SOUL struck with the desire to kill...

I cleared my throat as I flipped to the next page. The rest of the pages were torn. It won't be a pleasant. I guess who ever tore it did it for a good reason.

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