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"Now all set and ready!" Frisk thought as she finished cleaning and  washing her clothes, She found it inappropriate to use who ever's cloth in the previous closet. So she headed out and tried to search for Toriel. As she was walking through the hallway to reach the second room next to her, a shadow popped up on the mirror on the left side , Frisk turned her head in a reflex looked at the mirror
And It was ... Just you. "Okaaay.. I'm clearly just tired" she assumed
"Haha.." She went back "I'll just go the other way for now". Heading back she found on her way a downstair .. She thought where does it lead? She ignored it for the mean time and entered  a small neat looking living room with a fireplace , bookshelf , a chair and small dining table. "Frisk my dear I'll be ready for 10 minutes why don't you go out and play for a while?" Toriel yelled from the kitchen. "Oh sure!" Frisk replied and went off.
She exit the house and sat behind the tree.. Closed her eyes for a moment ,took a deep breath and let it out.. She doesn't seem to be sad more like happy.. Relieved.
She took a nap for a short time, until her phone rang
She startled "whah who what?" She looked at her mobile that been given to her by Toriel .. And answered "Hello my Child! Please come home " Toriel requested
"Okay be right there!" Hanged the phone, stood up and noticed shining object floating mid air. It was that thing again
"That light" she stared , approaching slowly towards it and touched it. The warm lovely aura spread around her body. She took a good look at her new home,
Seeing such a cute, tidy house in the RUINS gives you determination
Then she headed inside

Behind the tree a shadowy figure who stood motionless with sharp red eyes glare.. Chara was there.

"I'm home!" Said Frisk"My small one, welcome! Do you smell that?" Questioned Toriel with a playful smile on her faceFrisk stood and took a sniff

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"I'm home!" Said Frisk
"My small one, welcome! Do you smell that?" Questioned Toriel with a playful smile on her face
Frisk stood and took a sniff .. Smells tasty "surprise! It is a butterscotch-cinnamon pie" Toriel went on joyfully and took Frisk to the dinning table, Frisk was speechless
"I thought we might celebrate your arrival and you know.. I want you to have a nice time living here" she finished with a delightful smile
*sobs sobs* Toriel looked at Frisk her eyes widened "My child...?"
Frisk's eyes flooded with tears " ah sorry about this" she hiccuped you are so nice to me even though you just met me.. I'm really happy"
Toriel let out a big relieving exhale "As long you are happy and like it, come my child we don't want the pie to get cold" they sat together and started eating. Frisk loved the pie so much she finished it all in one bite "Now now my small one take your time" Toriel giggles. After finishing their food Frisk took an extra portion of the pie and excused her self to keep playing out.

She walked around for a while , checking every room she came across to.. "Chara! Chara where are you" she keeps calling but with no answer..
"And I even brought him a pie" she sighed " Oh I should get some candy for Toriel, bet she will like it " then set off to that candy room she's been before.... Once she entered the room her smile faded .. The view of the room made her eyes round ...
The statue which held the candy tray filled with random slashes .. The tray was spalted along with the candies , the walls were covered with claw marks and... Is that blood?!
"Whah.. What..?" Her voice was shaky.. She carried the candies with the tray arranged them back and stepped away "I hope Nothing wrong happened to Chara.. Please stay safe" and exited the room searching every corner and back , tripped so many times along the way she just kept running for a while .. Until the first place they met each other , the place she fell into the bed flowers. But no body was there.
She stood for a while her eyes were teary, she couldn't control her breaths. Yet she approached the bed flowers. They were shiny..?
She kneeled down and passed her hand to feel the petals.. "Those are freshly watered.. He was here" she let a sigh out and fell her back. "I'm glad.. I'm really glad" she covered her face with her arm. She finally realized her body being exhausted.
*trrrrrn trrrrrrrn*
"Ops I hope I didn't make her worried" Frisk answered "Hello?"
"My child it's late are you alright?" Toriel worried " I'm sorry I lost track of time, I'll be back mom...." Then Frisk paused ... And Toriel as well. "Ahh..." Frisk Hanged the phone.
Oh my God this is embarrassing she's so gonna hate me for this.. Must apologize to her.. Then she headed home as fast as possible.
When she opened the door she found Toriel was waiting restlessly
"Um I .." Frisk couldn't say what she wanted to "my goodness! You are hurt who did this to you" Toriel looked at Frisk's knees "Ah... I was playing and um I tripped!" She excused "Here let me heal you" she put her hands on Frisk's knee and it started glowing like magic.. The injuries started to fade. Frisk stood there amazed.
"I'm really happy.. That you called me mom.. if it makes you happy you can call me whatever you want my child" with a warm smile. Frisk hugged her "Thank you" she said brightly, "sleep well my dear" , she nods and headed to her room for a good sleep.

After a few hours Frisk just couldn't fall asleep.. Thinking of what happened to that room and Chara's disappearance made her mood off a bit. So she decided to check the house more since she couldn't  get the chance today. "Must stay low and not wake up mom" she opened the door slowly and stepped out from her room.
She went to check the downstairs, she was too cerious to know what would she find. So she went down to find a long passage.
Roaming what seemed forever "why did I think I would find some answers here" Frisk mumbled, passing an opened door, to find another path. "Should I just go back?" She hesitated, but she thought she came this far so why not just get over it. Until she reached a dead end. A huge door seemed to be a gate with an emblem marked on it "I've seen this emblem on Mom's cloth.. Does this represent something?" She wondered. Approaching closely to admire the majestic gate she tried to push it but it seemed to be locked , the gate doesn't have a keyhole which was weird.

"Knock knock" a sound heard from the other side of the door

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