Genocide Act 2 - Fire party

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"Run Vulkin! Don't stop!! Warn the guards- AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Another monster transforms instantly to dust after getting a blow from behind with a sharp knife and followed by a twisted cold laugh. Vulkin's eyes went wide and ran as fast as she could, grasping whatever left from her life, with the memory of her friends protecting her and dying right before her.

"Where do you think you're going~? I need every EXP I can find!" Frisk chuckles all golly as she approaches the victim who was cornered by her.

Vulkin called for the guards, but they are nowhere to be found. She switched her eyes to the murderer before her. She could never forgive herself for mistaking this human to be a good friend to the monsters.

"Awww don't look at me like that! Nothing personal really...." Clenching to the knife tightly between her hand, she prepares to dust this little monster mercilessly.

"Hey! You! Stop!"

"We've heard a human girl went loose killing anyone at sight! you should all get inside, quickly!"

The two muscular Royal Guards have finally arrived. Warning their friend Frisk and Vulkin. Vulkin's small legs were shaking and she couldn't move them as she pleased, she was too scared to talk or move a muscle. Possessed Frisk remained at her stance before making her next move.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? You all must get safe-" just as he repeats his warning and reaches for Frisk's shoulder, the second turned around instantly and stabbed his chest as hard as she could. The Royal guard let out a groaning sound but his brother behind him not knowing what's wrong didn't see what just happened.

"Bro? what's wrong?" he asks.

The possessed girl thrusts the knife even deeper until it reached his SOUL. Then shattered it to pieces. His brother dusted away forever right before his eyes, making him in a mental state of shock, despair and agony.

"n-n-no..... b-but.... W-WHYYY!???" he yelled and fell on his knees, the only remaining of his brother were his weapon and armors. Frisk was so pleased with this heartbreaking sight, it filled her with happiness, she covers her mouth, trying to muffle her laugh but her love for despair got the better of her. She laughed too hard that her stomach began to hurt her. Vulkin tried to sneak, but Frisk's eyes never miss even the smallest prey, and as she tries to flee away Frisk made it slash her back followed by a cry of death. She gained more EXP and more LOV.

Upon taking her time, the royal guard's spirit was no more. It was too easy and Frisk could finish him now and move on.

This incident opened up Frisk's eyes to discover a new kind of pain that painful much more than what she had in mind.

"You never suited each other to begin with you know? I bet everyone was disgusted to see you," Frisk kneeled down to his level. He was beyond his knees, half crawling down.


"Because you are GAYS! You are disgusting to the eyes, I bet every monster talked behind your backs and never supported your feelings! I was kidding when I told you that you guys look good together!! Did you really take me seriously???"

This new kind of pain. A mental pain that hurts more than a physical one. Possessed Frisk wanted to give it a try and see for herself just how much impressive the results were, it was beyond her expectation. Using all the hard work and progress the original Frisk did to all the monsters, she will all ruin it in one day only.

Possessed Frisk's smile faded after a long hurtful talk, the muscular monster couldn't take these harsh words. Everything Frisk said could be true. He believed it was the truth. The sweet days he spent with the one he likes won't be accepted by the others. Coming into this horrible decision, he held his weapon tight and instead of avenging his brother, he killed himself.

This dangerous discovery made Frisk want to try it out more.


The news of the human killer girl was spreading slow. Those who were close to her couldn't flee long enough to tell the word.

Around this time, a spider lady was going back to her usual place after getting the ingredients that were needed for her bakery. Just another usual day while making good business..... only to find out at the end of this day, a frightening sight was waiting for her.

Her whole spider lair was set on fire, some squeaky sounds came from her spider minions. They were burning and running around frenzy unintentionally burning the place along with their small bodies.

Muffet thought it was just a bad dream. Or the heat of Hotland got into her, and she will wake up any moment.

"spiders!" she calls for them but most of them were roasted.

"Do you enjoy this spider buffet I made for you?" Frisk startled her from behind, even Muffet didn't sense any movement until she spoke.

" did this?!" Muffet slowly shook her head her five eyes welled up altogether.

"Your welcome?" Frisk rose her eyebrow disappointed, "I was doing a favor for you, why are you being overdramatic?"

"What kind of favor you are speaking about!!!! They are my family!"

"A family who burdened you your whole life? A family that can't do anything by themselves but always put the burden and the work to you? I thought family supports each other, don't they?"

" could you"

"You are too kind Muffet, far too kind.... Can't you see that kindness of yours made your five eyes blind? You are sacrificing your youth, health and being for low life bugs that life spans aren't even half as yours~" Frisk giggled as she hides the wicked smile behind her palm hand. Muffet shuts her eyes in anguish weeping to the beings that were part of her.

This pure kindness of this spider lady slowly turned to hatred. She painfully opens all her five eyes filled with hate, she stares at the human girl who thought she was a good friend, and perhaps a sister.

"You humans are the worst....." clenching the hem of her red rompers, Muffet calls her pet, "I won't let you go..." she prepares for a battle.

"Let me go? Don't be silly... it is I, who won't let any filthy monster out of my sight."

It didn't take a long time... another two white SOULS have been shattered through the air.

Though the one who rushed to see this horrific sight was too late.

"Frisk... darling?" Mettaton couldn't believe what she heard. But now she must believe what her eyes could see.

Frisk going frenzy killing mode to everyone.

No questions were asked, no suspiciousness was cleared. Anger took over her as she blasts this place to pieces.

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