Azuraito Last Notice

121 4 8

Hello there!

can't beleive this is the end huh...

it sure took me years to finish this story... was it 2 years or 3? oh well, it's THE END!

I have a lot to say xD let's start by thanking you all the readers for sticking up with me until the very end and to the secret readers that I might don't know your names annnnnd to those who at least made it 1/4 way of the story xD

Thank you for not giving up on me ^^'

I hope you enjoyed the story so far. I love how things turned out to be and I can tell that I did improve more than the older chapters xD

(( I don't dare to read the old chapters for some reason...... ))


Yeah this fandom is the best! I can't have enough from it and finally I can read my favorite fandom out there 8D tell me a book or something lol.

Since this is the last A/N... I need to declare a few things. ( a lot of things* )

1- You probably noticed this, there were few hints scattered around even in the last chapter that there is a sequel for this story :3

However, I might just make a short chapter after this A/N to erase the sequel part. ( PLEASE NOTICE THE WORD MIGHT lol ) I would love to leave the rest to your imagination if not.

You noticed this probably, the fandom is kinda dead ( IT IS STILL ALIVE IN MAH HEART ) and I dunno.. my story wasn't that catchy or such xD but I did it anyway! for you all =)

2- There were even hints of the past, too much info that I actually made my own concept story of the past for Undertale before writing TheirTale! crazy right? well just in case if I ever going to make it it will focus on Gaster X Lady Oracle, with the characters of the past ( Asgore, Toriel, Gearson.... etc)  one of the reasons, I erased Gaster Tale was because it contains too much scene of the past lives when the monster kingdom and the human race cooperated and lived together.

3- For the children, I had to make up their own backgrounds and story before they fall to underground. This book won't be too big as it will contain a short story for them and how they met the monsters.

4- I'm starting my own original stories! yay xD lol, it's because of this I might stop writing fandoms... ( Lady Oracle, Veronica, and Genzo are involved in my original project! )


you guys like one of the books I've mentioned wish to read one of the three, just leave a comment in the desired number (book) and let me know what you think!

Or 5- I can make Ask TheirTale and you get to ask any questions concerning things you wanted to know or what they have been doing in the surface!

6- There is another Tale I erased which was Thayer's tale. I have the manuscript in my head but I think it is unnecessary to write down everything unless you still don't have a clue about Thayer's past?!!! naaaah I threw too many hints xD still hit a comment in this number if you are interested.

that's all...

Thank you so much for being my readers ^^

I hope you have a great day!

May this fandom live on forever<3

Azuraito last notice ends here =)

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