Trust and Promise

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"If you want to punch it go ahead ... We all get that urge sometimes" Chara grinned while Frisk kept staring at the Dummy.



Dummy and Frisk been staring at each other meaninglessly

Chara sighed and started to encourage her to punch " punch the doll punch the doll" repeatedly
"No that's awful" she agitated
"You will feel better"
"ah... Ahh.."  stared at the dummy again
"Ahh here goes nothing"
Frisk fake a poke at the dummy with half heartedly  .. Nothing happens
"Really? Faking a poke?" Chara raised an eyebrow, Frisk groaned "Let's get going anyway"
And both progressed

" I've been wondering this for a while Frisk ... How come you trust me?" Chara said
Frisk gave him a puzzled expression ... What's kind of question is this?
"Ummm" she thought of it .. a reason why would she go alongside him having faith on him " When I met you, you took a good care of me.. And that's kind of you" squeezing her hands and lowering her head.. She felt she's being a burden.
"Even though you don't really have to" clearing her throat

Chara glances at her "well, can't leave a baby alone"
"I'm not a baby!"
Chara laughed
They reached a room with spiky floor Frisk froze on fear
"Ummm... Maybe we should head back, probably  we missed a door or something "
"Nope, that's the only path" Chara insisted

It looks scary
How the sharp spikes covering  all over the place
Frisk glanced at it one more time trying to gather her determination to stay alive
"Told you .. A big baby you are"
Just when Frisk wanted to hit Chara he pulled her arm into his chest holding her shoulder tight
"Chara what are you doing?!" Embarrassed but made her calm down even if it's for a bit
" you trust me don't you? " he stated.
She nodded without hesitation
"Then here we go" they both stepped ahead slowly .. Frisk being fearful closing her eyes trusting Chara with her life
Each step they made the spikes slowly sinking down back to the floor until they reached and passed them all
" Frisk we are done you can open your eyes"
"No way!" Widening her eyes she shouted "How did you do that??"
Chara didn't reply he was looking at the other side he stuttered " You can un hold me now" he was barely blushing
"Ah! Im sorry" leaving his shoulder immediately she felt stupid

They proceed their path facing puzzles... Puzzles and more puzzles
Solving them all together.
Frisk who is enjoying it and Chara just want to get it done already
Donating for the donut spider bakery "Why don't you keep the money?"
"Nah these donuts are tasty try some!"
Chara shook his head

They decided to take a rest
"By the way Frisk ... There is a request I want you to do" he seemed to look at something for a while but there is nothing on the corner
"Sure Chara! Anything"
He was still looking at the corner .. "Never mention my name at all" he was firm
"But why?" Raising an eyebrow " If you want to stay safe.. No If you want to change those monsters heart never mention my name"
Frisk looked down dully ... Glanced at Chara who is still looking at the corner to look at that direction to find nothing is there
"Did you do something ..?"  It went out like a whisper
" You don't want to know" he ended it standing up and looking at her "so?"
She looked back " I promise.. Won't mention your name no matter what"
"Thank you Frisk" smiling with the left side of his mouth .. His eyes seemed sad
He stretched his hand to her , Frisk reached it to stand up next to him
"Let's go" He said . Frisk seemed a bit off but she went ahead
He followed her .. Paused for a second .. Looked again at the exact same corner
"Com On Chara!"
"Im coming" finally catching her up

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