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"I've killed countless of humans"

This utterance alone, sent Frisk to mute. She was shocked enough when she knew about him killing the monsters. But that due to him being controlled.
She hoped it was not his intention, perchance he's being controlled over. But the way he acted, didn't support her hopes.

"I murdered them with my own hands... with this knife" he destroyed her hope as he scoffs, turning his knife around. The lives of countless humans, the cycle of the monsters death. All ended with this knife.


"Now that you know you are dating a murderer... would you still love me?" He turns his head to her with a painful eyes and a fake smile. She looked at him with complete silence, which was a normal thing to do.. not pretending to be a perfect person nor freaking out totally for hearing what he just said. It's already hard enough for him to confess such a sin.
Frisk held on her hopes, that maybe just maybe... there was a good reason for it.

"Of course... it's hard to feel the same Frisk" Chara answers for her "I must be scaring you now.. probably mad too"


"Why what?"

"Why did you... murdered them?"

"If I tell you, would that change the fact I'm a murderer?" His eyes switched to hers, holding himself together as if he was about to break into pieces. Frisk ignored his question "I need to know, Chara" she insists.

Chara rose up with a large sigh, he moved few steps away around the room. Leaving his back to her, Frisk remains on bed waiting.

"I had enough of them. I hoped they will change and repent to what they did but they never had a tiny bit of intention to stop" he said, then turned his body to face her.

"They don't have a single humanity in them... they are the real monsters Frisk" his eyes changed sharp red as he talks, his voice, his tone, the twitching of his eyes and mouth, Frisk followed his behaviors as he speaks.

"I told you I was born as an orphan boy, no one was willing to accept me because of this first" he points his eyes "I mean really, there was no human being with red eyes in my whole village"

(( Ever wondered why he doesn't cut his hair? HE'S AN IDIOT! he is embarrassed with his own eyes )) Thayer comments to Frisk.

"Second.. because of him" he was referring to Thayer

(( you son of a—.... actually he's right ))

"I was just a kid back then, I was scared as I lived in fear running away from him. But all they thought of me is how crazy and weird I am" he brushes his face along to his hair. Holding his madness.

(( you can't tell the humans to believe what they can't see. But you..Frisk, a big dork who did anyway ))

"What I never understood is their cruelty, their endless torture Frisk! It became like a normal routine for me" he grits his teeth "sinking me with hot water, burning me with a hot iron and a lot more! Everyday they find a new method for my torture"

Frisk's eyes went round as she imagines how he has been through... seeing his scars around his body is one thing, hearing how he got them is so hurtful.

"Chara I—"

"No. You wanted to know" he cuts her off "you must know Frisk, even if you hate me for it"

"You couldn't ask help from anyone?" She asks, he responds with a chuckles.

"I yelled and screamed and asked for their mercy, but no one was able to help me" he fiddled with his knife as he sits to the closest chair for a break.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now