Genocide Act 3- The Fallen Star

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Have you seen a fallen star anywhere?

Sometimes we are all like stars, we need to fall so someone's wish can come true....

or we fall in the name of love, kindness, and integrity.


"You crazy bitch!!" Frisk in surprise tried to avoid the explosive attacks that came out of nowhere after she heard Mettaton's voice. Frisk then trips as she evades and drifted out of the road, falling down like a jet.

"shit shit shit shit! I can't die now!!" Frisk looked all over fast and by using the knife she waited until the ground was close enough and stabbed the cliff to pause her falling. Mettaton jumped all the way down and before she reaches the lower floor, Frisk made her way to the ground once again.

"What's wrong with you not having a common logic of asking questions? Like Frisk! why are you doing that, or at least Frisk I can't believe it!" Frisk complains, walking in a circle while shaking the knife through the air.

"Don't mistake me darling, I know you can't question a person if they lost their sanity. Though I hate to admit...... I really liked you as my friend." Mettaton vanishes and quickly appears behind Frisk and greeting her with a kick. Frisk groans as she falls down. But a smiled was followed after she took the beat "Oh? You still have hope that I'm a good person?"

"I believe there is something wrong with you and I will have to capture you alive and make Alphys check on you. So, the answer is yes."

"You see, that won't happen, do you know why? Because I will kill every last one of you here.... and move to Waterfall, and to Snowdin and do you know who I want to kill the most, Mettaton?"

Talking so naturally about killing and taking lives like they were no big deal. Mettaton lost her hope on Frisk. But remembering all the days they spent together, the shopping, their feelings and how pacifist she was. How she had stage fright before and the attempts to make her face that fear, Mettaton begged that the person she knows, the Frisk they knew was here somehow.

"I will enjoy it the most when I kill Papayrus~!" Frisk beams as she declares what Mettaton most feared.

"D-Don't you dare!!!" she couldn't hide her shock.

"Trust me I dare!"

"Then you left me no choice..." That declaration made her sure. The Frisk they know is nowhere to be found.

Mettaton had her own style of fighting. Her mechanical body is not for being stylish or modeling. Alphys made sure to make Mettaton's body compete as a real human killer capability. Mettaton never wanted to use this kind of side from her but looking at how half of the monsters in Hotland are being killed, and the dangers that will fall to all her friends and fans.

"They need me..." Mettaton believed truly that she must do whatever it takes to stop this killer.

Frisk, on the other hand, made a possibility that she would encounter Mettaton soon. She admits that she is a tough opponent and with a weak body and that small LOV she acquired, this battle will be challenging and Frisk is gladly taking in this challenge.

Mettaton inhaled, trying to stay composed and finally made a light smile, "It's showtime darling!" she poses pointing up. Frisk was uninterested as she ignores her and charges her straightforward. That didn't make Mettaton budge though and the smile on her face turned into confidence. What Frisk picked to ignore made her soon realize that there was a disco ball right above them reflecting with different lights.

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