Alphys's Decision

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"Sans..." a girl called his name softly on top of him. He who was laying on his bed sweating a river couldn't avert his eyes from her even if he wants to "F-Frisk.. what are you doing??" his tone was creaking to the awkward situation he's putting up with "didn't you say you will help me for my biology exam?" Frisk said in annoyance as she blushes "it's embarrassing already for me.." she adds as her cheeks flushed red, his eyes were still staring at her "y-yeah of course! But why the underwear kid?" he said, while his eye lids switched to her bra that revealed her cleavage to her tight pants. A blue shade covered his face while he pants.

 A blue shade covered his face while he pants

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"so.. this is the scapula" Frisk ignores him as she pokes both the front side of his shoulder before she moves to the other part "while these are your ribs" she proceeds rubbing his bones teasingly making him paralyzed "why are you wearing like that.. why are you in top of....angh" Sans struggled to talk along his pantings, he tried to move Frisk away but the sensation of her soft warm skin against his cold solid bone made him itch for more.
"No no Sans! Snap out of this" he whispers to himself "is this sternum?" Frisk asks, laying her head to the middle thick bone on his chest. Sans shivered uncontrollably, he could feel her skin pressing to his bones "t-too close.." he mumbles with a grin "is it?" Frisk repeats "y-yes kiddo!"
"Don't call me that!" she upsettingly objects, grabbing his rib firmly as she raises her head to him. He could get the best view for her cleavage with this distance "s-sorry" he obeys. She then pulls him up from his laying position and adjust herself on his lap. Sans tried to back away but Frisk held him from his jacket "we are not done" she states "we are just getting started" she smiles cheekily and climbs over him pinning him down "F-Frisk " Sans eye socket widened as Frisk's hair fell down to her side "Be nice and don't move Sansy" she winks. Sans didn't realize he was enjoying this deep inside him, he wants to feel it, he wants to touch it, he wants to do it!
He doesn't want to stop her and every time he says stop, he doesn't mean it at all.
Frisk was playing his vertebra part with her finger, it sent him to a loud chuckle "ticklish? sorry about that" she said before she cares him, his eyes blacked out "I can't.. hold myself"
"Then don't?" She whispers, both of them made short eye contact to each other then bashed each other with violence kisses and rapid breath, Sans was so aroused to this strange sensation that set his mind to blank making him lose his reasons. Her soft moans drove him wild as he fondles with her breasts below her bra, her tongue licking his mouth filled him with excitement and heat. Sans laid Frisk back to his bed, climbing over her he declares "you asked for it kid.. let's have a wild time" he grins to her erotic sight.

"Sans wake up! you've been sleeping for a while" Alphys brought him back from his fantasy, Sans opened his eyes shocked from what just happened.
That was one hecka of a dream.
"You didn't do anything at all today! and here I thought you would help.... Sans? What's wrong?" Alphys knitted her eyebrows as she examines him, he was turning blue noticeably "Welp.. just do me a favor Alphy" he took a long sigh.

"No more weird animes please"

Afterwards, Sans followed Alphys to see her progress "You see.. this is what I came up with so far, what do you think?" she hands him over her data analyzes. He skims it through "that's actually interesting.. it could work Alphys" Sans approves. She was happy to hear that "let's get it started, I'll bring it to the true la—"

"No!" Alphys declines, Sans tilts his head confused "I gave you time, what's wrong now?"

"Umm... I.... didn't finish yet. Sorry" her tone shook, Sans eyed her for a while quietly "you know you can rely on me? I can help you in your jo—"

"It's fine.. I'm fine, really. Can't I just come over to your workshop and work on it there?" Alphys suggests as she rubs her shoulder, nervous if he would refuse and insists in the true lab. Whatever it is she doesn't seem to want to talk about it. Sans had nothing to lose and minded his own business "sure" he said as he took his leave "you know the way" he shrugged then snapped his fingers and vanished through the air.

Alphys let out a huge uneasy sigh, she bit her thumb's nail "I... need to get over it now"  she went ahead to a thick iron door and clicked the pin numbers behind him to get her access inside "it's now or never"

Inside the secret lab, where Alphys spends there often lately. She sat there quietly with two needles on the desk and a fallen monster body right next to her. She was shaking distressed about what she's decided to do "c-come on Alphys.. it's been two hours already!" Alphys encouraged herself, she took the injections and faces the fallen monster "nothing would be solved if I don't do anything" she swallows, she takes a deep breath to calm herself "I have to do this.. for Frisk and Chara. If I succeed with this theory, King Asgore won't have to kill neither of them!" She said, determined.

(( heheh.. ))


"W-who's there?!" She turned behind to the source of the noise. It was just few books lost their balance from the roof, she sighs "of course.. who would be here anyway" she took her glasses to wipe it with her coat and went back again to the body.
"I'll do it for them.." without a minute to spare, she immediately injected the monsters with the two needles she has prepared for him.

The black screen behind her popped up with two red eyes and a simple smile.

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