It's raining quizes..

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Frisk POV:-

"Alphys, do you have some snack?" I held my tummy that was growling for a while, Alphys been hitting Chara with questions regarding his soul and his old experiments..
I felt relaxed when I found out that Chara offered by his own will on his old experiments to help the monsters out by studying about the human soul nature and all the information they could gather in order to break the barrier using artificial souls instead of the real human soul.
Which was a nice attempt from the monsters side.... but what made things go wrong? With the 6 human souls..

"Of of course! I have instant noodles at that stockroom" Alphys points me the door, then went back asking Chara "W-who was it.. the previous scientists ?" Her expression was serious
"I told you.. I don't know" Chara lied and we both knew he was lying.
"I-I can't believe this! You—"
He interrupts "Shouldn't you know? Weren't you the one who applied this job? Didn't the King tell you?" With each question he rose his tone, losing his temper yet being patience with her.
"I TRIED OKAY!" Alphys snapped.. It was very unusual from her, I tried to middle and calm things down "G-Guys maybe—"

"Not now Frisk" he was still glaring at Alphys who was gritting her teeth "I tried, I really tried.. no one seems to know, no one seems to remember... even I! I have this feeling everyday that I forgot something important" she explains with a breaking tone.
Chara sighed and patted her shoulder "Alphys.. it's really complicated" he tried to reassure her and being polite.. I think whatever he was doing he overdid it.
So I left them be and went to the room she pointed to me. It was full with noodles, noodles and more noodles!
"That's unhealthy Alphys..."
I reached to pick three for us all,  maybe a little snack together with cheerful talking would light the mood up! -rattle rattle!- there was a noise on the corner and... did something just moved "G-Guuuuuyyys?!" The noodles fell from my hand when I spotted a large grey box with a grid if lights shining with different colors. That wasn't the scary part...
The scary part that it was holding a chainsaw making a sadistic laugh.
"KEYAAAAAA" I screamed to the scene of these sharp chainsaws moving fast and, hell no I won't wait for it to hit me!!
"Na ah darling, screaming is against the — HEY!"
I let my legs move and saw Chara's and Alphys's worried faces looking at me "There's...a.... here... sharp!" I stuttered my lines to Chara and couldn't make sense "calm down!" He held both my shoulders "AHAHAHA YOU CAN RUN DARLING BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!" The large box revealed it self with a walking wheel and "you... aren't you mettaton?!" Chara tilits his head.
"What?! Mettaton the super star herself?!" I peaked behind Chara my jaw dropped as I looked none other than Mettaton from the TV show! I adored her shows but what's she doing here?!

"Oh my, you guys are flattering me! It's indeed the one and only, darlings! I'm Mettaton the number one super star of the whole underground!" She compliments herself proudly, Alphys on the other hand was sweating "M-Mettaton what are you—"
She rose her hand with a mic on the other hand"Buuuuut I'm a unique invention made by Dr Alphys to serve as a anti-human combat killer"

"Oh my, you guys are flattering me! It's indeed the one and only, darlings! I'm Mettaton the number one super star of the whole underground!" She compliments herself proudly, Alphys on the other hand was sweating "M-Mettaton what are you—" She ros...

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