Goat Lady ( Frisk )

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We stared at each other for a while,  I was quite because I never saw tall monsters before
All I met so far were either same sized as me or shorter. She noticed the quite atmosphere
"Uh.. Um..Hello my child! Welcome to the underground" and lend me a help
Her voice was so kind yet a bit grieved ,she gave the  motherly air being which was nice..
"I am Toriel, caretaker of the RUINS" she interduced
"I'm Frisk" I replied .. What more could I say besides falling in this place. "I usually come around. She took a good look at me " What a poor innocent youth.. How long have you been around the RUINS?". "I'm not quite sure..." I replied, it's kinda hard to tell time here. She suddenly held my hand "Please come with me" Seemed like a request to me, I nodded for approval and went with her.. Her huge sized hand was big compared to mine but it felt warm and nice. While heading our way we faced other puzzles, she paused for a moment " my I ask my child... How did you solve these puzzles?". I looked at her "oh it's ch.." Suddenly remembered my promise .. I went on " puzzles are my favorite game!" With a big smile. Im glad I didn't let it slip any farther ..  "Oh how clever of you my child" she giggled.
After a while we reached to a place seemed to be her home she turned around at me "This is my home.. And your new Home now" with a tender smile made me a bit speechlessly blushful so I just nodded. We entered inside and she showed me a lovely room stating that it will be my new room and left me for a moment.. I checked the box it was full of cool toys, then i headed to the closet and saw a few stripped shirts and some boots. "Frisk my child" I turned around to see her holding a mobile phone, she handed it over "This too will be yours and it has my number just in case when something happen while you play outside" she stated. I took a glimpse of her then lowered my head timidly "Th..Thank you". She chuckled in return
"Oh for no reason on particular.. Which do you prefer? Cinnamon or Butterscotch?" She wondered. I actually like both but I had to be nice " um Butterscotch!" I replied
She nodded " Alright! Please take a rest until I finish a little surprise for you" she looked super excited as she finished her words and headed out of the room. I sat on the bed for a bit. It feels nice. It's so comfy. I decided to take a fast shower so just as I was about to take my shirt off Toriel entered the room " My child I just wanted to know you don't hate a Cinnamon or such right?". That was close I lowered my shirt in time "Oh Sorry! Wrong timing" she finished. I shook " No don't worry about it! And I'm cool with cinnamon" I replied delightfully.
"Alright then!" And she headed off. I took my shirt off again carefully , I looked at the scars that covered my body.. " Only if they could disappear without a trace"... I wished. I noticed a picture on the table , I took it and saw..
"Family pictures?" It contains Toriel, a huge goat male.. Must be her husband.. And their child.?
Where are they? Just what happened.. She's all alone in this huge house?
So many questions.. With no answers .. Again.
However, Looking at this beautiful family frame.. Fills you with determination.
"Alright Frisk .. Time to clean up and get ready.. I wanna know more about Toriel" I decided to my self and headed to the bathroom.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now