Job to Do

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This morning Frisk tried to collect her courage for what She's  about to do..
She clicked her phone until it started ringing.
"Hello?" A motherly tone said.
"Aaaaaa" Frisk tensed and became so nervous so she acts
"You must be a banana because I find you appealing!" She blurted unconfidently..
".....pfffft" a laugh from the other side of the phone made Frisk press end to the call.
Frisk's face was like a question mark Wait what? What did I just said?! she thought.
Sans was observing her till he bursts to laugh and fell to the floor.
"Flirting your mother Frisk? That's new" Chara peeked at her weirdly.
"Agh" Frisk pull it together and calls Toriel again
"H-hello mom!" Frisk sighs
"My child" she giggles "What was that minute ago?"
Frisk changed the topic by telling her everything from meeting new friends and doing part times, Toriel was happy to hear Frisk's voice after a long time, she enjoyed a lovely conversation for a while. "I'll bring you new books when I pay you a visit!" Frisk promised to her "Why you don't have to my child" Toriel replied but knowing Frisk, she would do what she is determined to do.
She ends the call "See you soon mom!"'
"Are you really going back to the RUINS?" Chara was waiting her call to finish "I miss her, and When I finish everything.. I'll go back to her" Frisk packed her bag with few stuff "Are you coming along ?" She asks. "No" he answered rather fast , Frisk rose her head amazed.. Chara always tagged along but what's wrong this time?
Maybe he needs a break.. Or maybe he's sick "Are you alright?" Frisk said warmly
"Yeah.. I'm just tired" he excused "Just don't be late and if anything.."
"I'll be fine!" Frisk interrupts while sliding her bag to her shoulder "Don't worry and rest well okay?" She smiles as she opens the door and leave.

"That's new coming from you" Sans eyed Chara who just left from the kitchen with a mug on his hand, "Don't be idiot.. I can't go there.. Not until I confirm something" Chara put his hand on his left side of his chest bothered. Sans lowered his head and went to sit to the couch next to Chara but not close, "Hey Sans.." Chara looked at him
"Have you seen.. A golden flower monster?" Chara asked while studying Sans reaction.. His eyes blacked out to his question "You.... you encountered him didn't you" Sans left eye socket glowed blue as he looked at him "Yes.. And he wasn't nice"
"That petals head gave me a quite problems with his..friendliness pellets " Sans looked front as he drunk his coffee "But he stopped appearing for a long time.. I thought he died or something" he stood up to his feet and glanced at Chara "Did you..."
"No.. " Chara responded in a cold tone.. He left it at that, saying anything more will be unnecessary " So do you know anything helpful?" He asks
"Me and you are the same thing.. But I know one thing" Sans put his mug on the table and grabbed his jacket "If you are looking for answers the right person is the royal scientist Alphys" he puts on his jacket. Chara's eye narrowed "The royal scientist" Sans expression  showed sorrow and pain.. He was looking at Chara
"Alphys....? Royal scientist.....?" Chara looked like he struggles to say something.. He tries to bring it out but it's like something preventing him to say it... To call a name and in the other side Sans knows.. And that's making him sad and hurt.. "You can't call someone who doesn't exist in this world anymore" Sans said as he closed the door behind him.
Chara was mute.. It seems he missed a lot of things around the years he spent it in the RUINS. He shut his eyes... He should investigate without Frisk, he had a very bad feelings about it so he walked out the place. "To Hotland it is.. Sorry Frisk" and headed to waterfall.

As Chara was walking out home and heading to Waterfall, someone from a quite distance was watching "He's..he's finally alone!" Flowey said while fear still surronde him "I-I must talk to him and make things clear! he doesn't know but once I tell him he'll able to help me!" Flowey said in a wavy tone, as he was about to approach (( You became rather soft Flowey.. Do you  think he CARE?)) shadow sprouted from Flowey's vine (( He just want a way to find you and... Finish the job)) he grinds to Flowey's terrorized expresion "s-stay away from me!" Flowey summoned seeds and shoots them at the shadow, it went through him like a ghost ((Pathetic.. You know what..? I'll take it from here)) He bashes towards Flowey laughing endlessly while Flowey cried hiding himself behind his leaves.

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