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At the long family table where everyone is gathered. Having fun, eating food and filling the air with lovely chatter. Everyone was sitting next to their loved ones. Undyne and Alphys are finally together as lovers, they were holding hands sitting next to each other. Those two were never this happy. Frisk and Chara were delighted to this progress as they can relate to how much this moment is precious to them. Mettatton who was satesfied being next to Papayrus without telling her true feelings. Sans who kept on smiling and laughing creating the best atmosphere for this lovely gathering while deep inside him his hearts is itching to Frisk from time to time and Toriel who listened to everyone.

Afar from the table, a black figure stood there quietly. The angel of death. Thayer was looking at them with twisted gazes filled with hate and lust (( I'm.... hungry..... )) he whispered as his hands started shaking before he rubs them on each other.

(( I am hungry... )) he repeats again. Thayer was madly starving, carving for something. But it wasn't food that he desired.

(( Souls.... I need to feed on their souls )) he chuckles while scratching his eyeballs rapidly. Frisk couldn't hear him as the place was too noisy. Thayer took a few step with a bugged out eye, his smile widens as he looks at them one by one.

He first looked at Toriel whose smile never left from her face the whole evening.
(( I could kill her right on her spot. A throw from my knife would suffice directly to her mouth )) Thayer imagined the impact of his knife would break Toriel's neck as her head goes backwards.

He then glanced at the new couples. Undyne and Alphys (( I wonder what kind of expression Undyne would make when I cut her lovely Alphys's stomach and the intestines come out. That would surly break her spirit! )) Thayer said, clenching his face tight. Enjoying his own sweet thoughts, staring at each one of them and deciding how he would finish them off.

(( I would slice her limps!!! ))

(( I would stab his right palm hand then pull the knife across his body from his palm through his arm then shoulders then arm then left palm!!!!!!! )) his grin sickly widened even more, he bends his back, breathing harder and heavier. Lusting to kill. To give pain and gain pleasure.

(( skinning..... layers of her body..  a perfect method for an ugly fish )) Thayer leered at Undyne. His body was quivering nonstop. He lost his patience as he approached Frisk slowly behind her.

(( it's... too soon. But after seeing everyone here. How can I be able to contain myself?  )) Thayer shrugs as he stands right behind Frisk. He looked over Chara who was looking at her with tender smile. That made Thayer disgusted and mad.

(( You think you can get rid of me and live happily forever after Chara? Heh. You know nothing )) Thayer thought. (( I will break your mind as you watch all of them die before you. I will torture you mentally and break you down! I will swallow all your happiness and fill you with unlimited agony my dear Chara....You just wait and watch! )).
Thayer looked back at Frisk. He was concealing his presence as much as he can from her. He stared her back sharply seeking for one thing. Her soul.
Everything disappeared from Thayer's sight. The only thing he can see is Frisk's bright red soul floating before him. He rises his hand reaching for her soul slowly.

He was few inches away from touching her soul, but his murderous desire to kill was too strong that he couldn't hide it well from one person.

Chara sensed a deadly intense pressure right behind frisk he tapped the table hard and stood up on guard to whatever that was. The place turned quite as everyone looked at Chara who acted cranky out of blue staring at nothing.

"Chara...? what's wrong?" Frisk panicked when she saw fears on his eyes. Chara was sweating looking left and right searching.

"My child! Do you feel unwell?" Toriel stood up from her chair to check on him but he stopped her with a gesture from his hand "I... I'm fine, sorry about this" he pulled himself together "excuse me I need to wash for a bit" he took off silently. Everyone was concerned as they looked at each other to what just happened. "As I was saying, I can't help but to say you are great chief Miss Toriel! Much better from what I usually have in my place" Mettatton said, changing the topic and winks at Frisk secretively while nodding to her to follow Chara.

That goes without saying, Frisk was worried about him and went after him naturally. He wasn't in the washroom, he was in her room sitting on the edge of the bed. Frisk couldn't see his face as he was leaning against his knees. "Chara...." she calls him but he slightly budged.
"Are you okay... please talk to me" she patted his shoulder.

"Frisk...." his tone sent Frisk to shiver, he was shaking nonstop.

"For a moment... no, for less than a second. I sensed something horrible.." Chara grieved. Frisk touched both his cheeks, he stared at her with crying eyes "Chara...." Frisk for the first time ever didn't know what to say. How to comfort him or what just happened, the reasons behind these all. "I don't know why but... even when everything was perfect, Just for a second..I.. I don't know what was that Frisk I—"

"Shhh... Chara" she took his head and leaned it to her chest, rubbing the back of his head "Hear my heartbeat? just focus on that" and so he did. He stoped crying and soon his breath went back to normal "that's it... just like that my love" Frisk whispered kindly.

"again...." he whispered.


"say it again...."

She knew what he wanted to hear "my love" she said. Chara wrapped his arms behind her, holding into her to feel more secured "can we.. stay like this for a little longer?" he asked.

"As much as you want! As long we don't get busted anytime soon by mom" she smiled, Chara scoffed. She remained by his side for a while until he calmed down and went back to join the others. Chara apologized for what happened giving few reasonable excuses. They were all relieved as they started exchanging gifts to each other. Frisk was a bit worried from Chara's sharp sense. Thayer once told her he was gifted by his sharp sense.

"Thayer....?" Frisk just remembered. She looked around to find him but he wasn't there.

In the RUINS, behind the tree right close to Toriel's home, Thayer held his breath.

(( holy shit! that was fucking close!! that fucking brat still sharp as ever! )) Thayer looked behind the tree , aghast.

(( If I was late just for a second.. damnit!! )) he was frustrated. His cover would be blown up from his impatient, putting all the things he did so far in danger. But with that attempt, he learnt something from Frisk.

(( Flowey )) he called and waited for five seconds (( FLOWEY! DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF )) He yelled. Flowey popped up right before him shivering in fear.

(( I need to rest.. I won't be around Frisk for a while. It could take days or weeks ))

"It.. it didn't work?" Flowey questioned him, not daring to look at Thayer's eyes. Not after he yelled. Not in this state.

(( No. It was a futile mistake from me... and because of that I need you to keep your eyes on them )) Thayer finally calmed down, taking a deep breath. He glanced down to Flowey slowly smiling at him. Flowey stepped back frightened while Thayer leaned down so close to his face.

(( Flowey. )) He called him with cold blood tone, Flowey was forced to raise his face and meet his eyes. Thayer moves his hair bang that covered his right eye, it created more tension and pressure to Flowey.

(( If you ask their help, I'll kill you...If I sense a slightest change, I'll kill you... )) Thayer said with a smile (( so don't try to do anything stupid in my absence.. because you know )) Thayer flew up midair looking down to Flowey (( I enjoy killing you the most. Since you don't turn to dust like the others.. and you know me better Flowey. You don't want to get on my bad side at all )) Thayer threatened him until the very end. Eliminating any single idea or thought idea of going against him. Flowey nodded "you can count on me... take all the time you need" he said. Thayer tilts his head with a smile then closed his eyes before he vanished to the darkness.

Frisk never saw Thayer after that day.

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