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"What is that? Underwatch you say?"

"I-It is a game I found in the the dumb three days ago... and....umm.... it looks popular and cool so..." Alphys stuttered behind the phone. Days passed and for some reason they couldn't catch up with Alphys.

"I-I want us all to play it together!" She said with a loud noise that Chara was able to hear. Chara paused from his drawing session while Frisk walked right besides him and clicked on a speaker mode for him to hear.

"It would be nice for all of us to play but Alphys," Frisk sighed, as excited as she is there was something Alphys supposed to be aware about "The Game Station works with online system right? we need more consoles, controllers and....."

"I-I got them all covered!" Alphys interrupts "Y-You see, I've been remaking few ones enough for us and well... I made more than enough? 30 I-I think?" she gave uncertain laugh. Frisk's jaw dropped out of surprise. 30 Game Station?! with controls and everything. Alphys is so prepared for this.

"Alphys... you are amazing" Frisk complimented her, still in a state of shock.

"Heheh.. it is nothing, expect a packaged mail in a while by now!"

With this, everyone was prepared to play Underwatch all night. It didn't take long until the packages were delivered to everyone to their homes. It was Chara who took the package from outside and at the exact same time he saw Sans, Papayrus and Undyne who are living next to them taking their packages too.

"So you too huh" Chara tilits his head with a smile, his eyes locked to both Undyne's and Papayrus's hands. Both of them seems to have three boxed packages instead of one.

"YEAH! Be prepared to get owned!" Undyne was looking forward to it.

"I WOULD LIKE IT MORE IF IT WAS A PUZZLE GAME BUT I WILL GIVE IT A TRY!" Papayrus didn't show the same enthusiasm as Undyne, but he was happy thst everyone is on the same thing here. Undyne pulled him and bashed inside to get things ready for them.

"If you have any trouble connecting to the game, let me know." Sans waved at Chara before joining the others inside. Chara nodded thankfully before he goes in to his too.


Game Station operating..........

Welcome new user!

"So, how are we supposed to play this together?" Chara grabbed a greyish blanket from the cabinet and pulled few snacks from foreo, fwix and soda drinks before he joins with Frisk wrapping the blanket together with her.

"We need to make an account, then add the others in the GameStation friend list before we actually play." Frisk replied, pressing the buttons regularly to progress. Chara's phone rang, it was Alphys.

"H-Hey, I just wanted to let you know you need to update the game. I-I just informed Undyne and the others, hopefully it won't take long... I think." Alphys said before ensing the call in a hurry.

"What is it?" Frisk was still making the account and she's half way there.

"Alphys said we need to update the game or something.." Chara shrugs.

"Oh, it shouldn't be that bad." Frisk took the UnderWatch CD and inserted it to the GameStation. Few moments later before she groans, Chara leaned his head to her shoulder in wonder "That doesn't look good..?"

"It's just the update... the size is too big" she said, trying to stay determind. She wasn't the only one whose suffering from the update. Everyone waited patiently for it to complete.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now