A Date or not a Date?

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Frisk went to the book store and bought few books for Toriel to read then she went to the Part time board to see nothing besides... "Sales and random advertisements" Frisk sighed, she memorized this board like the palm of her hands.. she liked to experience new things like a curious little child, and not finding a new job made her mood sulk a bit "OH!" She gazed a small paper pinned to the lowest part of the board

- A temporary sentuary guard at Snowdin post -

It looked like a recent offer job, since Frisk didn't take notice of this the other days.
She pulled the paper and moved back.. Asking people for directions and they point her out "It's unusual job for me.. But this should be fun!" Frisk smiled.
"This should be the place" she said after 20 minutes walking she looked at the post "S-Sans?" She gasps "Heya .. You must be the newcomer for the job" he smirks while holding his giggles Frisk looked at him with a smile and folded hands "Oh I see what you did there"
"Come on Frisk.. Don't give me the COLD shoulder now" he leans his head to his palm hand, but for Frisk to work as a santuary for spotting humans was weird enough for her but she joined Sans. They spent talking and joking for a while, since not much humans around to begin with "Hey Frisk.. Why would you want to stay here?" He surprised her with this question but he wanted to know from her rather from Chara. Frisk smile half faded and looked down.
It's something she didn't even say to anyone here.. Not even Chara neither Toriel. "I never talked about it to anyone.. But it's just.. I hate to make the people I care worry" she said in a low tone, Sans listened to her patiently as she speaks "My parents both died in a car accident and.. I didn't have any friends .. Except for one though.. But he disappeared" Frisk said Intermittently.. There was so much to say but she couldn't make sense she didn't know what to say "You don't have to talk about it.." Sans felt guilty for insisting to know, Frisk shook her head "I love it here Sans.. I have mother that cares and friends to hangout" she turned to look at him "So can you trust me Sans?" Her eye gaze was Patience and pure Sans was stunned as he looked back "w..what do you mean?"
"The moment we met..you seemed .. Wary Sans.. You were cautious and careful of my steps.. You weren't the person I've known behind the gate" She informs
Sans sighed awkwardly "It was obvious huh.." He rubbed his head "I'm sorry about that"
"Don't be! I don't know what happened with the other humans .. But I want to help everyone .. And help you too" she stood up and lends her hand to him "If you need help, don't hesitate and ask me, Promise?" She smiles patiently to him, he looked up to her.. Realizing that Frisk is really something else .. not close to the other humans she was unique.. Sans knew that so this moment he made up his mind to trust her. He smiles back and took her hand to shake "Promise". She was happy, "So are you going to give me a salary after this?" She grins jokingly "Nope.. But I'll treat you instead" he shrugs, Frisk was interested she felt hungry "Let's take a break and go to Grillby yeah?" He offers
Frisk looked back thinking "but" she turned at him and pointed the other side "RUINS is close and I'm supposed to meet up my mom and drop her some books?"
"Oh don't worry, I have a shortcut" he smirked as he stands up "we won't take long.. You will be here before you know"  he took her bags and hide it under the post roof without waiting her answer "well.. Alright!" She said giving in. He took her hand gently her eyes was following him puzzled. His pupils was staring at her .. Sans was looking at Frisk differently today "To Grillby it is!" He snapped his other finger and both of them disappeared.
They appeared next to Grilbby's door Frisk was clinching to Sans body who seemed to enjoy it as he blushes "Oh my God sorry!" She backed away and covered her face with her hands, he snickers "It's okay Frisk" and opened the door "after you"
"My thank you" she enters "How did you do that?" She asked while he followed her inside "Told you it's my shortcut" he sat to his usual place and Frisk sat next to him "Hey Grillbs!" Both greeted Grillby as he nods "What you wanna order ? Remember my treat"
Frisk looked at the menu reading "mmmmm" she then passed him the menu "I'll settle with fries" "make it two" Sans added and Grillby walked to the kitchen
"It feels weird sitting here as a customer" Frisk said, her first part time was at this place and she liked it a lot, but coming here this time without working gave her different vibe "Is it bad?" Sans blurted "Not at all! I'm glad you brought me here" she took off her coat since it's pretty warm here" Sans was looking every movement she made, his eyes concentrated her features. He didn't realize he was quietly staring at her.
Frisk enjoyed the atmosphere. She always liked it the moment she set her foot first time to Grilbby's.. It's like this is the markable place filled with good and outstanding aura from the laughters and the carefree attitude of the customers.. A place to be you..yourself, or so she thought. Grillby arrives with two dishes of fries he passed each one to Frisk and Sans, he then turned to look at Frisk "...................... on the house" he said, Sans head snapped up confused and Frisk lift her hands to her chest "Thank you sir! You don't have to" he shook his head then went to cleaning his glasses.

"I say you won everyone's heart.. And here I thought I would treat you"

Frisk giggles "I didn't do anything at all, and maybe next time?" She picks one of the fries and munches it, Sans was happy to hear 'next time' he was afraid it would be the only time he could ask her out while Chara isn't around and no one on the way he thought, he pulled a ketchup and splashed it at his fries.. Then he drunk the rest of the ketchup.
She giggles and he chuckles. They stayed until they finished their food, and went out of Grillby's.
"Back to work now?" She asks
"Welp, back to work" he moves his hand asking her permission for his shortcut.. She smiles and rest her hand at his gently.
He snaps his finger, they vanished.

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