Judgment Hell

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( A/N: The song is dedicated to Thayer, I recommend you to listen to it at the end of the chapter )

Veronica's P.O.V:

Hundred years ago, at the surface when monsters and human lived in harmony.

There was a small myth that spread among the two races. The human race heard it from a bunch of monsters.

"Those who find her Flutures wings shall be granted with one wish,"

"Those who ask for more than one wish shall pay a price with equal value,"

"No one managed to find her wings or even her per say! Does she even exist?"

Or so they said.

No one managed to find her wings when she hides, as long as she tries to hide them from the eyes of the beings, the seal would work.

Until one day. A tall skeleton from the Greapers kin was having a bad day and decided to take a walk. He heard mixed voices of people who sound like they were having fun from quite a distance. Sneaking between the bushes, the skeleton was dazed at a sight of a graceful lady who's dancing beautifully with a bunch of children under the tree.

He kept staring, scanning the place, the people and somewhat ogling at the lady.

Even with a half-cracked face that this skeleton has, he has a keen sharp eye.

Yet his race found him nothing but a disgrace and weakling. An individual that was hated even among his own kind.

He pointed at the nothingness, towards something he made a shape of wings and said,   

"Found you....."

The Flutures lady stopped in surprise, while the kids kept dancing and with a soft tender smile that melts any broken heart. She approached this skeleton and simply asked him,

"You have found me Sir Greaper.... You may make a wish and I swear with my Vitae SOUL I will grant it for you," she enchanted her motto that she kept memorizing for a day like this to come. "except.... Reviving the dead.... And what else? ... hmmm," she mutters fidgetily. The tall skeleton was stunned by her pure heart and thought of something he dearly desired.

"Dear genuine Lady Oracle.... All I ask is a SOUL that loves me and a simple happy life,"


"eeek!!" Frisk squeaks in panic when she saw a creepy face who was trying to talk to her using signs.

The figure looked at her with his sharp eyes before he tilts his head to figure out this is not the same person he thought.

"it's..........you.........." W.D Gaster's eyes glared with purple, with his freaky grin and a black cape flew behind him. He wanted to exterminate this monster forgetting the fact that he can't touch her.

He passed through her body like a ghost.

"AHAHAHA! Sucks to be you!" Frisk mocks, pushing her tongue out "That was such a scare... I'm glad you can't do shit,"


"huuuuuuuuh? What was that? Sorry I don't speak broken language AHAHAHA!!"

Gaster was agitated and frenzied. A weak attempt was made to try to paralyze possessed Frisk with his magic but nothing could touch her or reach her.

Gaster stopped instantly with this useless attempt as he tries not to look ridiculous more than it is and warned her. "he.......won't.......you......pass,"

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