Back to Snowdin

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(( The relaxing atmosphere of this Hotel... fills you with determination ))

After what they've been through yesterday, their night has passed fast enough they ended up oversleeping till afternoon. Frisk, who shyly enjoyed her night leaning her head to Chara's chest as he hold her gently.. and that's the only thing she can do .. which somewhat disappoints her.
Chara wakes her by poking her cheek, even when she murmurs about it, but today is their first break day before the Show day that have been scheduled for her to do.
Mettaton told her it will be a dancing show! With dramatic poses and action with a lot of attractions! "How do I play my part?" Frisk asked Mettaton who refused to provide instruction for this event and responded with "Figure it out darling".
The two changed up and went to have a fast meal at burgerpants "So, What's the plan for today?" Chara asks. Frisk munched her sandwich before she replies "How about we go back to Snowdin? Pay a visit and chill.. you know". Panicking or overthinking while waiting these three days to pass will be so wasteful.. so she thought of hanging out with the others and maybe visiting Toriel.. and specially Papayrus since she promised him to come by soon.
"Snowdin it is" Chara confirms.

Before heading to the riverperson, They changed back to their hoodie and sleeves, since the cold will strike them the moment they reach there. "What's with these bags?" Chara carried them to the wooden boat "A  souvenirs of course!"
"It's not like we traveled to the other side of the earth" he grins at how simple minded she is.

"Tra la la. Hmmm... I should have worn a few more pairs of pants today" The riverperson said as the boat started to drift.
Meanwhile.. as it was drifting, Frisk was more quiet than usual.. between looking at Chara then spacing out. "Is there something bothering you?" Chara notices.
Frisk stutters as she says "Well.. you didn't mention me about what Alphys was so upset about". Chara forgot about that, since things encountered them and there wasn't a chance for it "Or to be precise.. the other scientist" she adds.
Chara crosses his hand, not sure what to say.. he himself was looking for an answer "I can guess things went wrong.. however it is. Caused him to erase his existence?" He was asking rather than answering "Sans hinted me something about him but I guess that's how he ended up"
Frisk tried to collect whatever he's saying "Is Sans connected with him?" She asks
"Yes. He's somewhat.. like a father" he answers.
Frisk tilits her head, how can somewhat be like a father? Adopted? Like a caretaker she thoughts. "To be honest, It doesn't really matter.. it's a good thing he's gone" he harshly cuts her thoughts.
"H-how, I mean why would you say that?!"
"he's really hateful and hold a strong grudge towards the humans" Chara said, "He never gave a good treatment towards me when I offered my soul like a lab rat to help"
Frisk thought of something to say... but she couldn't find anything to reply.
The boat hits the cliff as they noticed the falling snowflakes, the change of atmosphere dropped down and its already chilly! Frisk shivered before she rubs her hands together "I have to admit I missed this cold!"
Chara shrugs as he hops out from the board carrying the bags, Frisk followed.
"Thank you again!" She waves, giving her back to follow Chara.

Riverperson was staring at them till they left from sight..
"Tra la la.. see you soon, Angel"

The weather today was so chilly, and it was too foggy.. they barely could see their way "Weird it has never been that foggy before" Frisk took careful steps, Chara was looking around "There's someone here" he stops moving.
"H-Humans! You came back!" It was Papyrus standing ahead of them. The view still was unclear due to the fog.
"Papyrus!" Frisk calls with a wide smile, she walks fast towards the source of the voice.
"Frisk! Don't get close to him!" Chara warns before a bone flew right next to her "Stop!" Papyrus yells.
Frisk paused confused.. did he just.. attack? She looked behind them hopping there might be someone else but it was just her and Chara.
"I-I'm sorry humans!" He apologizes yet throw another bunch of bones flying towards them, Frisk crawls down, Chara ran over to her "wait! Don't!" She stopped Chara from whatever he was trying to do "Papayrus, why are you attacking us? we don't want to fight"
Papayrus halts his throwing bones "y-you won't fight?"' He said unsure.. she nods while waiting patiently for him to calm "T-then let's see if you can handle my blue attack!" He persists as his summons blue bone to his hand and throws it again, Frisk flinches from shock despite Chara's warning "Don't move!!"  But she got hit by her arm and moaned in pain
"Frisk!" Chara looked at her arm "Hey stop it that instant or else-"  He said with anger, Frisk pulled his shoulder "No! Wait.. I have an idea"
Papyrus's face turned sad when he saw Frisk got hurt but he kept on throwing his bones, normal ones and blue ones as Frisk and Chara dodged waiting for something.
"I will now use my special attack!" Papayrus declares. Both Frisk and Chara's souls turned blue. "Blue means stop!" They both fell down.
"Oh no! The great Papayrus beats us together! How great he must be!" She poses dramatically "He is now going to capture us and put us in a prison!" She covers her hands faking a sobbing sound, she elbows Chara to go along, but he went with "yeah.. whatever she said"

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