Dirty little lier

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Sans POV:-

As I snapped my finger, teleporting him with me back to Snowdin just before the Waterfall gate.

I huffed in annoyance, he looked around and I'm pretty sure he wasn't pleased with what I did, before he clutches his axe harder "Why" he asks as he grinds his teeth, glowering at me.
"Let's say, I have a bone to pick with you buddy", I felt my blood boiling inside me, my mouth was dry. Anger? My anger couldn't cover what I'm feeling.
I made a cheesy grin looking at him with nothing but black eyes. "I ain't a buddy for a traitor like you, why do you still get in my way" he clutched his fist while lowering his axe.
I bend my head, shoving my hands inside my jacket's pockets. My mind wasn't with him, but at what happened while ago. He yells "ANSWER ME!".
"Why would you listen now? You didn't even bother listening to her" my left eye glowed blue flame to the scene I recalled inside my head, her blood and her dead body, my muscles tensed when I remembered. "Why would I bother listening to merely humans, they are bunch of liars and trash beings" he lift his eyebrow in confusion. "That's your problem then" I narrowed my eyes, stepping inside the Waterfall again "Mark my words if you ever tried to kill her" I paused looking at him, "You gonna have a bad time" , "heh, why are you mad when I'm just doing my job here.. Your job". I stopped, mad? I'm not mad... I'M PISSED OFF.
"Your kin... My kin, we are the last of it... And who's fault is it? Who's to blame?" His tone changed to normal, He seeks for answers from me. My eyes turned back to white lids. "You and I are the same, yet you help them and guide them" he clasped his shirt, he seemed to be suffering and in pain. "Why don't you find out why?" I reached my neck to scratch it.
He didn't catch what I mean, "Being hateful, holding grudge and all that are hopeless, give up.. I already did", I crossed the path of Waterfall while he was still standing, I could hear him talk
"I don't understand.."
I didn't add anything else and just departed from him.
He has to find out by himself..
He made me realize something that never cross my mind.. I found out the hard way.
I felt my face heat up for this thought, I pulled my hoodie down trying to cover my blue shades that colored my face.

I shook my head, that's not the time for it, I must catch up, I don't have a time to waste.
I kept teleporting forward and onward and at each time I try to think of what happened.
"Let's see.. What do we have here"
I smirk to the conclusion I made, "red soul, time reset and one more thing"


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