Stuck in Detention (AU)

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Mystic Falls High School

  "This is your fault," Elijah Mikaelson whispered to his little brother. They had both been given detention for getting to school half an hour late, and then Klaus had gotten both into a fistfight with some other kids.

 "You were in on it as well," Klaus whispered back.
 "Well, you were the one who started the fight."
 "You were the one who forgot to set the alarm clock." 

 Earlier that day ...

 Elijah woke up five minutes late, realizing he had never set his alarm clock, causing him to freak out. He quickly dressed and ran downstairs for a quick breakfast, brushed his teeth and about to run to the bus stop when he remembered something.
 He had forgotten Klaus. 
 Elijah ran up to Klaus and Kohl's room and ripped Klaus' blanket off the bed. "Get up! We have to get to school NOW!"

 "Can't I have breakfast first?" he mumbled.

  "Just hurry up!" 
 And so when they were finally ready, they left the house, ready to run for the bus stop, when Elijah looked at his watch and moaned, "We missed the bus ages ago. We'll have to walk."

 Before they could do that, Elijah realized Klaus didn't have his backpack, and went back inside to get it. Then he realized he didn't have his science textbook and ran to his own room to get that.
 When they had walked a block from their house, Klaus announced, "I don't have my homework."

 "Well, where is it?"
 "Um, I think it's in my room...somewhere." 

 It was eventually found stuffed under Klaus' bed. 
 By the time they got to school, they were a half hour late with no good excuse. So detention it was. 
 Then at lunch, some rotten kids who were mean to everybody started bothering them in the cafeteria. So Klaus punched their leader in the face, causing them to pounce on Klaus. Elijah was trying to pull them off and get Klaus out of there.
 That definitely got them put in detention.

 So here they were, Friday evening, in the school library sorting through the bookshelves for anything out of place. As there had been problems with keeping everything in order, the librarian thought having them there for detention was a great idea.

 "I bet she eats kindergarteners for breakfast," Klaus muttered. "Why's the old hag working here if she hates kids?"
 "Our punishment could have been worse than this, Niklaus," Elijah pointed out. "I like the library. And besides, after this I plan never to get into detention ever again."
 "Elijah, one detention isn't going to ruin you."

 "But I've never been in detention before this! If it wasn't for you-"
 His brother shushed him. "Do you hear that?"
 "Exactly. No sign of the librarian witch. Come on." Klaus went to the window. "Wide open. How convenient for us." He quickly climbed right out the window.
 "Klaus!" Elijah ran over to the window, absolutely horrified.

 "Oh, come on, Elijah, be daring for once in your life," Klaus chided.
 "We are getting in major trouble for this," Elijah said as he climbed out the window after his brother.

 "Oh, you both certainly will be."

 Both boys turned to the sound of the voice. It was their father, and to say he looked happy to see them would be a lie.
 "Hi, Dad," Klaus said cheerily. "What brings you by?" 
 "Well, on my way home from work, your mother called me and said you two had both been put in detention. I came to pick you up, and here I find you trying to break out. Coming from you, Niklaus, this behavior is not very surprising, but I am surprised at you, Elijah."
 "He's learning to be a risk-taker," Klaus said proudly. "Following in my footsteps."
 Mikael gave his son a long, hard stare. "Of all the children your mother and I have had, you are by far the most troublesome, Niklaus."
 Klaus gave him a sly smile. "Thanks, Dad."

 Mikael sighed and pointed to the car. "Just get in. I will tell your teacher I've picked you up, and you can figure out how you will be explaining this to your mother."
 "See, Elijah?" Klaus said as they slid into the backseat. "Whether we tried to escape or not, we would still be in trouble, so it doesn't really make a difference."

 Elijah decided then that he would never allow himself to rely on his brother's wisdom.

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