Hiding Something (Stelijah)

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 Klaus knew Elijah was hiding something. His older brother had never been a good liar. The question was, what was it?

 Klaus decided to find out in the easiest way he could think of: confront Elijah and threaten him as much as necessary. Unfortunately, Elijah was too used to his brother threatening him. 

 "I'm not hiding anything from you, Niklaus," he insisted.

 "You think I believe that? I know you're up to something, Elijah. You may as well just tell me before I get too angry."

 Elijah just rolled his eyes. "You are absolutely paranoid. If you will excuse me, I have things to do." 

 Klaus wondered for a quick moment if perhaps Elijah was right, and he was being paranoid. But it was only for a quick moment. No, the best way to find out what Elijah was up to was to follow Elijah himself.

 Klaus quickly left the compound and caught sight of Elijah walking down the street. He kept his distance until he saw Elijah walk into a nearby hotel. Cautiously peeking through the window, he saw Elijah speaking with the receptionist, and then watched as he got into the elevator.

 Klaus immediately marched in and, using compulsion, asked the woman behind the counter, "What room was the man going to?"

 "Second floor, room 55."

 Klaus got on the elevator himself and walked down the hallway, stopping at room 55. He could hear  murmuring and moaning and the rustling of sheets. So, Elijah had taken another lover, had he? Probably some stupid human girl he figured Klaus would murder on sight. In all fairness, Klaus had murdered all of his past lovers. But that wasn't the point right now, he decided. He clenched the doorknob in his hand for a moment, the pushed it open.

 "You think you can keep things from, Elijah," he said. "But you can't because I...oh." 

 To his surprise, in bed next to Elijah was his old friend Stefan Salvatore.

 Stefan gave him an embarrassed smile. "Hi, Klaus."

 Elijah recovered from his initial shock and yelled, "Niklaus, get out!" 

 "All right, all right." Klaus quickly shut the door and stood in the hallway. "What was that?"

 He walked home attempting to grasp this. Elijah and Stefan were dating. How had this happened? How could he not have realized?

 When he returned to the compound, Hayley was there, and when she saw him, she asked, "What's up with you?"

 "I do hope you weren't too attached to my brother," he said. "It seems he's found someone."

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