This Strange Other Vampire

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New Orleans, 1919

 Klaus Mikaelson had not planned on stumbling upon the killer that evening.
 There was someone-a vampire, he had already guessed-killing people around the city. 
 "Locals just disappearing all the time?" Elijah had said when Klaus told him of it. "Do you have any idea who it could be?"
 "None, but I intend to find out and get rid of them before they kill the entire city." 
 But as Klaus walked down the street towards his home that evening, he didn't expect to find the killer feeding on one of his victims.
 It was definitely male, Klaus decided. He crept up behind it and grabbed it by the back of this shirt.
 "Do you know," he whispered, "Who you have crossed? Do you have any idea who I am?"
 "N-no," the stranger spluttered. "I don't know who you are."
 "Well, then, I'll let you find out."
 Klaus dragged the killer down the street to the compound.
 "Elijah! Rebekah! Come take a look at this vermin I've discovered."
 "Oh, Nik," Rebekah said, "what poor soul have you been torturing this time?"
 "I haven't been torturing anyone this time. This," he shoved the stranger onto the settee, "is the killer that's been snatching locals."
 "So this is him?" Elijah asked. "The murderer?"
 "He doesn't look very vicious to me," said Rebekah.
 "Well, let's see what answers we can get out of him." Klaus knelt down. "Now, you are a vampire, are you not?"
 The stranger nodded. "Yes."
 "Yet you have no idea who I am?"
 Klaus smiled. "Well, then, let me introduce myself. I am Klaus Mikaelson, and these are my siblings Rebekah and Elijah. And do you have a name?" 
 "I've heard the name Mikaelson spoken around here," he said. "My name is Edward Masen. I hear you're feared in these parts."
 "Oh, very," Klaus agreed. "I prefer to be feared. Now, what shall we do with you? Ah! Elijah, watch him for a moment, will you?" He returned with a knife in his hand.
 "Nik, is that really necessary?" Rebekah asked.
 "He's been murdering my people, so I would say yes."
 Klaus drove the knife into Edward's heart. They waited. But he didn't die.
 "How is this not working?" Klaus wondered aloud.
 "I don't think that's how you kill a vampire," Edward said.
 "Niklaus, let's leave him be for now," Elijah said gently. "We'll watch him for the night and get rid of him in the morning."
 "Oh, very well, then. Since you suggested it, you can have the honor of guarding him the night." 
 Elijah and Edward sat in silence for a few long minutes. Elijah got up and poured Edward a glass of bourbon, but the other vampire just shook his head.
 "I can't," he said. "I've tried before."
 Elijah had no idea what he meant, but shrugged and drank it himself. 
 "You might want to try to sleep," Elijah said. "Who knows what my brother plans to do in the morning?"
 "I don't sleep. I don't need it."
 "Never sleep ever? Hmm. Suit yourself, then. Just know that tomorrow morning, Niklaus is most likely to throw into the sun and watch you burn."
 Edward shook his head. "He can't. It won't work."
 Now Elijah was truly confused. Was this boy mad?
 "What are you saying?" he asked. "Don't you know what a vampire is?"
 "I know. But I think you and I are different sorts of vampires."
 "Then tell me your story. What are you?"
 Edward told Elijah a story so strange that Elijah thought he was surely a lunatic.
 Until dawn came.

 "Good morning! Well, you two look like you're having fun."
 Elijah opened his eyes. He had dozed off a few hours before. Edward was still sitting in the same spot, the same expressionless look on his face.
 "Niklaus, he told me-" Elijah began.
 "Yes, I'm sure he's been telling plenty of lies and playing on your kindness." Klaus began to drag Edward to the courtyard where the sun hit. "Goodbye, Edward Masen the killer."
 But when he was in the sunlight, Edward did not burn. Instead, his skin began to sparkle and shimmer, like diamonds glittering.
 For a long moment Klaus stared in shock, unable to believe his eyes. 
 Edward looked at Elijah. "Do you believe me now?"
 "Elijah," Klaus turned to look at his brother, "you said he'd been telling you things."
 "Yes, he did." Elijah went to stand next to Edward in the light. "Do you have a family, Edward?"
 "There is Carlisle, the man I told you of. He is the only sort of family I have now."
 Elijah nodded. "You should go back to him. "I think he'll forgive you if he cares for you. You should go now, while my brother is still in shock." 
 "Thank you, Elijah," Edward said. "I will. I'll find Carlisle. I will see if he still wants me." 
 With that, he was gone.
 Rebekah came down the stairs. "What is going on down here? Where's the murderer?"
 "Gone," Elijah said. "He's gone."
 Klaus nodded. "Yes, it would seem so."

I'm pretty sure I just wrote Klaus' worst nightmare.

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