A Brother-Sister Moment

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 Freya glanced up at her little brother. Klaus was standing by the window, staring out into the streets below them.

 "You okay over there?" she asked.

 "Of course," he answered without looking at her. "I'm just watching the city."

 "Not your city?"

 "Well, I'm not sure it would be all that fair to refer to it as my city."

 "Oh?" Freya closed her book. "And why is that? Normally, you would say it is your city."

 "A lot has happened over the centuries," Klaus said. "True, we Mikaelsons built this city. It was ours, and I its ruler. But things changed. We left, and Marcel took over. He did a good job; he kept a tight grip on the supernatural community, and there were no wars. It feels like since I've returned, all there's been is war."

 "You thinking about moving?"

 "Certainly not. I only meant to say that there has been quite a bit of fighting going on since my return to New Orleans. But despite all of that, I feel New Orleans has grown into her own. There's so much culture, so much life. It's become such a big city, and a famous one."

 "And I guess it all started with you?"

 "Of course it did," Klaus said with a smile. "I knew it would one day become a great city."

 "And you were right." Freya wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Now here you are."

 "Mm." He nodded. "I'm alone, though, thankfully. I have quite the family to keep me busy, and hopefully out of trouble. People like you."

 She smiled. "Aw, I like you, too. Believe me, I'm glad I'm here. I went so long without you guys that there's nowhere else I would rather be than here."

 "Well, I'm certainly glad to hear that," he said. "We need a big sister to keep us all in line, and I am fond of you now that you're here." He wrapped his arm around her. "I wouldn't want you to go anywhere anytime soon."

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