The Secret Girlfriend (Elistan)

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 "Elijah!" Klaus called, wandering through the compound. "Why is it that now that we have a possible crisis on our hands, I can't find you anywhere? Freya? Freya, I demand you tell me where Elijah is!"
 "Just because I'm magical doesn't mean I'm all knowing," Freya called back. "You're the hybrid; figure something out."
 Klaus tried calling Elijah, but his phone just kept going to voicemail. After leaving several threatening messages, he waited.

 Elijah didn't return until after sundown.
 "And just where have you been?" Klaus demanded. "I have been trying to contact you all day!"
 "I know that now; was it really necessary to leave so many unique threats on my phone?" 
 "Yes, it was. Now, where have you been?"
 "Out," he answered simply.
 "Out where?"
 "In the city, obviously."
 "Good-night, Niklaus, it's been a long day." 
 Klaus knew Elijah was up to something. But what could it be? He had been gone all day, with his phone turned off. It was all just very unlike Elijah.
 Unless he didn't want to be interrupted. 
 That was it, wasn't it? He had a secret girlfriend hidden away somewhere! It made perfect sense. Elijah had a secret girlfriend, and he refused to tell him about it. Who would he have told?
 Klaus went up to Freya's room and pounded on the door. "Freya! I demand you tell me about Elijah's secret girlfriend!"
 Freya opened the door. "What are you talking about?"
 "Elijah has a secret girlfriend that he won't tell me about. Has he, by chance, told you anything?"
 "No, Klaus, Elijah and I haven't talked about his love life. If he won't tell you, how do you know he has a secret anything?"
 "It wasn't that difficult to deduce."
 Freya sighed. "Sure. Good for you, Sherlock Mikaelson. I'm going to bed." Freya closed the door, and Klaus could practically feel her thinking he was a lunatic.

 The next day

Elijah: Do you want to come over? We'll be alone.

 When Klaus returned to the compound that afternoon, he thought he heard voices coming from upstairs. As he went up the stairs and down the hall, they got louder, and sounded angry.
 "I can't just give up everything I've been-"
 "Why not? How can we be anything if you're trying to destroy my family?"
 "You don't understand what-"
 "Neither do you!" The door to Elijah's room swung open, and there stood Elijah, his clothes disheveled and untidy. "It wouldn't be that difficult to stop whatever the Strix are planning, is it?"
 Klaus was able to get a look at the person Elijah was yelling at.
 It was Tristan de Martel.
 Both Elijah and Tristan turned and looked at Klaus. 
 "Elijah, why is Tristan in your bedroom?" he asked. "And is there any reason why he isn't wearing a shirt?"
 "Tristan was just leaving," Elijah said coldly. "Weren't you, Tristan?" 
 Tristan looked from Elijah to Klaus and back again, unsure what he should do. Then he quickly darted out.
 "Do you mind telling me what that was about?" Klaus asked.
 "Tristan and I just had an argument, that's all."
 "That's all?" Klaus repeated. "What was that, Elijah? You were-" Klaus stopped, his mind putting two and two together. "Have you been sleeping with him?"
 "Not for very long. I know we're in the middle of a crisis, Niklaus. That's what I'm trying to do, to stop anything bad from happening."
 "But what-Elijah, did you seduce Tristan to get information out of him?"
 "Well, that was part of it. We've always had a...very complicated relationship."
 Klaus took a moment to let this new information sink in. "I see. I think I'm going to something."
 He had been absolutely wrong in his deductions. There was no secret girlfriend.
 Instead, there was Tristan de Martel, which was ten times worse.

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