Interview with: Mikael

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 When Mikael found I out I had an interview with Klaus, he protested against it, claiming to be unfair, and demanded an interview of his own. Which brings us to now.

 Q1: Did your parents actually name you Mikael Mikaelson?

 Mikael: I refuse to answer that question.

 Oh, my God, they did, didn't they?

 Mikael: Ask me something else.

 Q2: Why do you have an English accent if you're from Norway?

 Mikael: That's easy. (pauses) I don't know.

 Q3: If you and Esther are both blonde, how did you have four dark-haired sons?

 Mikael: I don't know. Genetics, maybe?
 Q4: If you and Esther both have English accents, how do Freya and Elijah have American accents? 

 Mikael: Can't you ask me something I have an actual answer to?

 Q5: Any thoughts on the end of 'The Vampire Diaries'?

 Mikael: You mean the show I got killed off of after about five episodes? Why should I care about any of them?

 Q6: How about all the cancellation rumors circling 'The Originals'?

 Mikael: You mean the other show I was killed off of? Why would anyone want to watch the show if Klaus is the star?

Q7: Speaking of Klaus, do you think you could ever stop hating him? 

 Mikael: of course not! He is my enemy. I hate him, he hates me. That's how it works.

 But couldn't you- 

 Mikael: He is my enemy! Ugh, talking about him makes me want to blow things up.

 Please refrain from destroying things during this interview.

 Q8: Any thought on the most recent happenings on 'The Originals'?

 Mikael: Why? What's happened since I got killed off?

 Your children and Klaus were nearly destroyed by Marcel Gerard. 
 Mikael: But he can't kill Klaus! I am supposed to kill him!

 Q9: That brings me to the last question I can think of: Why exactly did you spend over a thousand years trying to kill Klaus?

 Mikael: How about the fact that he had my wife locked away in a coffin for centuries and framed me for her murder? Which, by the way, I would not have done, but Klaus made everyone think I did it, anyway. Oh, and there's also the fact that he got Henrik killed, let's not forget. I did it for vengeance and justice.

 Esther: You spent all those years trying to kill Niklaus for me?

 Yeah, it seems like he-wait a minute. Esther, how did you get here? You're not supposed to be here.

 Mikael: Of course I did. I am a warrior; I couldn't let such acts go unanswered.

 Um, hello? I'm still here, you know.

 Esther: Well, when you put it's actually sort of romantic.

 Mikael: it? Really? I hadn't thought so.

 I think this is my cue to just quietly leave.

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