Caroline Forbes #1

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 You find your friend Caroline sitting completely alone, looking depressed, which is very unlike her.

 "Any chance you want some company?" you ask, sitting down next to her.

 She shrugs. "I guess so." 

 "So...why are we sitting here, alone?"

 "I needed to get away from everything for a while," she answers. "I've lost my mom, my best friend is in a magical coma, and I don't even know what's going on with me and Stefan. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but it must have been something pretty bad."

 "I doubt you did anything to deserve this," you say.

 She scoffs. "Well, that's easy for you to say. You haven't been in town for too long, and you don't know well enough to say it."

 "Maybe I do," you reply. "You think I haven't lost people? I lost my parents and my best friend years ago, just like you have, Caroline. It's painful, I know."

 "But what if it weren't?" An idea seemed to come to her mind. "We could turn off our humanity."

 You raise your eyebrows. "Seriously? I've heard that never ends well."

 "Well, why not?" she snaps. "If it can make me feel better, I'll do it. If you want to join me, go ahead."

 You think about it. You've always held on to your humanity, wanting to at least have a conscience to keep you in check. But it's made you able to feel the pain from your losses. It wouldn't be so bad, you think, to be rid of that pain, would it?

 And it was just one little switch in the back of your mind you had to flip...


 A few weeks later, you and Caroline are miles away form Mystic Falls. You're not sure how many people the two of you have killed together, but you don't care. It doesn't really matter how many people you kill as long as you have blood to keep you alive.

 You didn't expect any of your old friends from Mystic Falls to track you down, but as you're with Caroline at the bar that night, you hear a familiar voice say, "Y/N. I'm glad I found you."

 You turn around to see Stefan Salvatore standing about five feet away from you.

 "What are you doing here?" you ask. "How did you even find us?"

 "Are you serious? All we had to do was follow the trail of dead bodies. We're here to bring you both back to Mystic Falls."

 "I'm not going back, Stefan," Caroline says, "Not after everything I had to go through. It's too much."

 While Caroline and Stefan begin to get into an argument, you sense someone creeping up behind you. You turn around and find yourself face-to-face with Stefan's brother, Damon Salvatore.

 "Hello, Y/N," he says. "Fancy a ride back to Mystic Falls?"

 Behind you, you feel the pinch of someone sticking you with a needle, and you realize it's vervain as you collapse.


 You wake up to find yourself chained to a chair. You recognize the place you're in as the Salvatore boardinghouse.

 "Why are you even bothering?" you snap at Stefan.

 "Because you're our friend, Y/N," he answers. "Believe me, you're better off with your humanity than without it. We did some digging, and we found these."

 He holds up two photos, ones you quickly recognize. One is of your parents, and the other is of you and your best friend. 

 "Why do you have those?" you demand.

 "So you can remember. Remember them, and how happy you were around them. Of course it was hard when you lost them, but you were moving on in your life. You can still do that, Y/N. But you have to turn your humanity back on. You have to have your feelings."

 Surprisingly enough, you feel tears come to your eyes, and old feelings begin to surface. 

 "Where's Caroline?" you ask in a whisper.

 "She's being taken care of. For now, concentrate on your own humanity."


 You and Caroline are sitting together at her kitchen table. It's been a few days since you both turned your humanity back on, and you've both been struggling with getting back to normal.

 "I can't believe I actually did it," she says. "It was so stupid of me to do."

 "Then I must be stupid too, because I did the same thing. Let's agree to make that a one-time thing. Now we know better."

 "You're right." She gives you a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Y/N. With you around, I think I can get through this."

 "That's good," you say, "Because I'd certainly like to stick around."

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