Katherine Pierce #1

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 You move to answer the loud banging on your apartment door. Standing in the hallway is your friend Katherine, glaring at you.

 "We need to talk," she says, and pushes past you to enter the apartment.

 "What are you doing here this early?" you ask. "We weren't supposed to meet up until later."

 "I know, but I had to see you now, clear some things up. Are you in love with me?"

 You freeze. "Why would you think that?"

 "Apparently, everyone seems to think so." She scoffs. "I am apparently the only person who can't tell when someone is in love with me. Can you believe it? Now, is it true or not?"

  You honestly don't know how to answer her. It is true that you are in love with her. You have been for quite a while now. But Katherine has never showed any signs of returning those feelings, so you have never told her. 

 She seems to interpret your silence as a 'yes'. She stares at you in disbelief and shakes her head. "Oh, my God. It's true, and you never told me?"

 You sigh. "Yes, Katherine. I'm in love with you. I wasn't sure if I should tell you, because I like that we're friends, and I thought that-"

 That's all you get to say before she lunges forward and kisses you passionately on the lips. Once the fact the woman of your dreams is kissing you registers in your mind, you gladly kiss her back.

 But Katherine soon pulls away. "I know we were going to just hang out tonight, but what do you say we make it a real date instead?"

 You smile. "Yes. I would love that."

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