Davina Claire #4

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 You consider Davina Claire a good friend. She's an incredible young woman, and you truly admire her. You know she likes being friends with you, too, and you have fun hanging out together.

 But sometimes she acts kind of strange. She often seems distracted and preoccupied whenever you're around or you try to talk to her. Whenever she tries to work on any of her magic, it never seems to work right. Soon, she starts asking you to leave and practically kicks you out, which puzzles you, because you don't know what keeps setting her off. Eventually, you decide to just ask her about it, thinking that would be the best thing to do. 
 When you do go to see Davina, she's leafing through an old book. She looks up at you when you knock on the open door.

 "What is it, Y/N?" she asks with a sigh. "I'm kind of busy right now."

 "Oh. Well, I can come back later if you're busy, but I wanted to ask you about something."

 She stares at you for a few seconds, then puts down her book. "What is it?"

 "Well," you begin, "I've noticed that you seem to kick me out a lot, especially when you're working on your magic stuff. Is it something about me? Like, did I say something or do something I shouldn't have?"

 She sighs. "Oh, Y/N. You haven't done anything wrong. I don't think you have. It's me, really. Well, I guess it's more me than it is you."

 "Okay. Um, could you elaborate on that a little more?"

 "I like you, Y/N," she says, "A lot. Apparently, to the point where I can't even concentrate on anything when you're around."

 "Oh. Wait, does that mean you have a crush on me?" you ask.

 She nods. "Yes."

 "Huh." You're actually surprised by this. "I can't believe I never noticed. Well, I'm sorry if I distract you, Davina, and I'm sorry I never realized you've had a crush on me. I feel kind of stupid now for not noticing." You think of something. "Hey, how about we go out tonight? You and me?"

 "Together?" she asks. "Like, a date?"

 "Exactly like a date," you say. "Let's at least try it, and see how it goes. Maybe it'll turn out good. What do you think?"

 Davina smiles. "Y/N, I think that's probably one of the best ideas you have ever had."

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