Camille O'Connell #4

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 You weren't expecting any visitors this late, so you're surprised when you hear a knock at the door. It can't be the neighbors again, because you turned down the volume on the radio and the television, and always remembered now not to make it too loud.

 You wait a few seconds, but you don't hear any steps going back down the hall, so you get up to answer it.


 She smiles. "Hi. Is it too late to have come over?"

 "No, of course not," you say. "Come in. You wouldn't come over at this time without a good reason."

 "Well, it's nothing that urgent, actually. I just...kind of needed someone to talk to."

 "The therapist needs a therapist now," you say jokingly.

 She chuckles softly. "I know, right? How have you been? We haven't really gotten the chance to talk lately."

 "I'm fine," you say. "Right now, it seems more important that we talk about you. How is everything?"

 "Oh, not good. I was turned into a vampire by Klaus' psychotic ex-girlfriend, and when I tried to get revenge on said psychotic ex-girlfriend, it did not work out. But you already know that part."

 "Some of it. How are you coping with being a vampire?"

 She sighs. "Well, that's the hard part. You know, the Mikaelsons have always made it look easy. But I guess they would, since they're the oldest vampires in the world. I'm coping well enough, and Klaus has been trying to teach me to control my thirst for blood."

 "So, being a vampire isn't working out as well as you thought it would," you say. "What about everything else in your life?"

 "Everything else in my life actually seems perfectly normal," she says. "It's like my life is going on the way it should, except that I'm a vampire now."

 "But you're coping with it," you point out, "And you're learning to live with it. That seems like the most important thing. I mean, look at you, Cami. Aurora de Martel turned you into a vampire for revenge, and you're still here, staying strong."

 She smiles. "Well, thank you for the kind words."

 You smile back and nod, and the two of you just look at each other a few long seconds. You realize her outward appearance didn't seem to change at all when she was made a vampire, or even her personality; she's still the same beautiful woman you knew before.

 "Can I...walk you home?" you ask.

 "Y/N, we live in the same building. I think I'll be okay."

 "I know. I just want to."

 She nods. "Okay, then."

 She loops her arm through yours, and the two of you walk out together.

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